OneShot: Destiel Cuteness

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Obviously Destiel, because I'm trash.

Dean walked into the library and watched as Cas put a book away. Dean smiled and quietly made his way over to his angel boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around the angel, making him jump slightly.

"You startled me, Dean," Cas said, turning to face the eldest Winchester. He brought his lips to Dean's.

"Sorry," Dean mumbled through the kiss. They pulled apart and put their foreheads together, staring into each other's eyes.

"You have something on your mind," Cas stated.

"I've been thinking, Cas-" Dean started. Cas furrowed his eyebrows in worry.

"What is it? Have I done something wrong?" Cas asked. Dean put a hand on Cas's mouth silencing him.

"No, you're fine babe, calm down," Dean consoled him. He removed his hand from the angel's lips. "I'm thinking about how you should change your last name."

"But Dean, I don't have a last name," Cas mumbled. Dean shook his head. "Unless you're referring to Jimmy's last name-"

"No, just I just think you should change it," Dean tried to fix his line. "Theoretically, if you had a last name you should change it."

"What would I change it to?" Cas asked, staring into Dean's beautiful green eyes. Dean smirked slightly and kissed Castiel again. Dean pulled away.

"Winchester," Dean answered. And he walked away with a smirk.

"What-? Wait- did you just propose?!" Cas yelled, chasing after the Winchester. "Dean, get your self loathing ass back here!" The moose in the room stared in awe.

"What the fuck just happened?" Sam mumbled, before jumping a little at the clatter from the other room. "Well I guess Cas caught him," Sam smiled to himself.

Just a cute little Destiel oneshot to get me (and you, my tacos) through hiatus at least just for a little while longer...

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