OneShot: Archangel Big Sister

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"Come on, Sam. You know you wanna say yes," Lucifer taunted. The devil paced around Sam, who was tied to the chair.

"Leave him alone you son of bitch!" Dean growled from a chair not to far from Sam.

"Oh shut it, besides Michael will be here any minute," Lucifer snapped back at the older Winchester. The sound of wings echoed through the warehouse they were currently in. Michael appeared and glanced to the corner where an unconscious Gabriel and Castiel lay. Raphael was close by watching them.

"Hello, brother," Michael greeted. Caution was apparent in his voice.

"Our agreement still stands?" Lucifer questioned. Michael nodded at his brother.

"Oh I don't like the sound of that," Dean mumbled. Dean turned to look at Sam. The two gave each other sympathetic nods. Michael towered over Dean and Lucifer paced around Sam. The two archangels smiled a each other, but before anything could happen a loud crack of thunder made even Michael and Lucifer jump. Raphael appeared at Michael's side. The doors to the warehouse slammed open with such force they snapped off their hinges. Lightning struck again, casting the shadow of a figure with four magnificent sets of wings. Through the doors stomped a woman with eight white wings sprouting from her back.

"I leave for two millennia. I go to heaven, and it is a disaster area!" You snapped. The three archangels surprisingly cowered in fear.

"Uh... Hello sister," Michael stuttered, backing up with Raphael and moving closer to Lucifer as if safety in numbers would help them.

"Hey, Y/n, how was Earth two?" Lucifer asked, he sounded like he was about to shit himself. You put your hand up and they slammed into the wall, pinned. Dean smiled and let out a laugh.

"It was fine," you hissed back. "Now what the hell is this?!" You gestured to the Winchesters tied to the chairs.

"It's Lucifer's fault!" Michael quickly put the blame on his brother like a child.

"What?! No it wa-" Lucifer started before you silenced all three of them. You snapped your fingers, setting the Winchesters free. You stepped up to Sam and put two fingers to his head, healing his cuts and bruises. You moved to Dean and healed him as well.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" Dean asked. You softened your expression.

"I'm Y/n, the first archangel, elder sister to those idiots pinned to the wall over there," you glared to your younger brothers.

"I didn't know you existed, they never mentioned you," Sam added, standing next to Dean.

"Really?" You narrowed your eyes before calming down a bit. You appeared next to Gabriel and Castiel. You touched their shoulders and they groaned, slowly waking up.

"Hey Gabe, I'm back," you softly cooed, kneeling next to the youngest archangel. Gabriel opened his eyes and saw you. He smiled widely.

"Y/n, you're back," Gabriel hugged you. You smiled and hugged him back. You helped him to his feet and he turned to Cas, helping him up. You put your hands on your hips and glared at the angel.

"Castiel, little brother, you've made quite a mess," you chided. Cas lowered his gaze. You sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't get yourself so down on it. You and Gabriel seem to be the only ones who actually listened to Dad."

"What is Earth two?" Sam spoke up. You turned to the young Winchester.

"Earth two is the second of the several main Earths. Earth two is where the show Doctor Who takes place. It's a major weak point in the system of Earths with all its universe and reality breaking events. I only returned due to the cracks being sealed... For the most part," you replied.

"You know our names?" Dean asked.

"Of course, I know the name of every angel's vessel past, current, future..." You explained.

"Another thing, your wings are amazing," Dean blurted. "How can I see them?"

"I'm letting you," you answered. You heard stomping and you turned to see Lucifer trying to get your attention. You un-silenced them with a quick movement of your hand.

"Y/n, if you're going to kill us, kill Michael first so I can say I technically won the apocalypse," Lucifer quickly spoke. You glared before turning to Castiel.

"Castiel, you may want to get the Winchesters out, this is going to get messy," you spoke in an eerily calm voice. Castiel grabbed the brothers' shoulders and they disappeared. You stood in front of your brothers, Gabriel standing next to you. You glanced at Gabriel and he was also pinned to the wall. He let out a grunt of pain. "What am I going to do with you idiots?"

"Not kill us is a good option," Gabriel answered.

"I'm not going to kill my own brothers!" You snapped. "I'm hella' pissed, but not that angry."

"That is really reassuring," Raphael said, sounding very relieved.

"We are going to heaven right now, and we are going to do our jobs of watching over humanity," you growled. "Got it?" Your brothers quickly nodded. You smiled and released them from your hold. You stood with your arms crossed as they readjusted the feathers on their wings- being stuck against a wall always screwed up wings. "Now. Where's dad?"


Hey you know how I was thinking about making a diary thing? Well I made it- you should check it out...

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