OneShot: Cas x Heather x Sam

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"Sammy?!" Heather called through the motel room, she had just came back from a beer run. She heard faint noises from her and Sam's room. She cautiously opened the door to see Sam in bed with another woman. He saw her out of the corner of his eye.

"No Heather it's not what it looks like," he frantically said.

"It's not?" Heather spat, "You know what? Don't even try. We're over Sam." She walked out of the bedroom and grabbed her duffle, heading out the motel room.

Why would he do this? I thought we were happy. she asked herself. She sat down on a bench, just outside the motel and she began to cry. Hunters are tough they don't cry, but this, this broke Heather. She felt a presence next to her on the bench.

"Heather, are you alright?" a gruff voice said.

"No, Cas, I'm not. I just found Sam, with- with another woman," she sniffed. She then felt him wrap his arms around her, she breathed in his scent. Cas put his chin on her head.

"I can see your soul turning dark, this is breaking you isn't it?" he whispered. Heather nodded, clinging to his trench coat. "Heather, I- I've always liked you, and I knew I could never be with you, because you were with Sam. And if you'll let me, um- I will try to fix you," he confessed. Heather had always had feelings for Cas, but her love for Sam was greater, so she had stayed with him. However, any love she had for Sam, right now it was gone. She pulled away from Cas a bit, before pulling her lips onto his. She wrapped her arms around his neck, his arm wrapped around her waist, while his other hand ran through her hair. They didn't stop until Cas was ripped off of her. Sam pushed Cas back.

"What the hell, man?!" Sam yelled angrily.

"You're asking me that?" Cas replied his jaw clenched. "Look at her! Look what you've done to her!" Cas yelled. Sam turned back to Heather.

"Please forgive me," Sam begged. Heather shook her head.

"No Sam, it's too late, and even if we do get back together it will never be the same, I can't love you anymore," Heather replied solemnly. She walked over to Cas and took his hand.

"Heather, please don't do this," Sam pleaded, but they were already gone.


Quick little one shot for @DreamyKawaii
Don't forget about the art contest!

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