Imagine: Past, Present, and- Destiel?

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Surprisingly not a reader insert...

It was a normal day in the bunker... Sam was on his laptop searching for a case, Dean was eating pie, and Cas was reading some books Charlie had recommended for him, it had something to do with wizards or something. The room shook and the three men jumped to their feet.

"What the hell?" Dean grumbled. They headed out the big metal door to outside. Sitting on the ground, with their backs to them were three other guys. The brothers reached for their guns and quietly drew them. One of the three guys on the floor spoke.

"Uh, where the hell are we?" A voice so similar to Dean's asked.

"What the-?" Sam spoke. The three on the ground quickly turned around and stood. It was them, well, younger versions of TFW (Team Free Will).

"What the hell?" The two Dean's both said at the exact moment.

"I believe these people are us... From the future," the younger, more wild haired Cas answered. The two younger versions of the brothers looked to Cas.

"Future? You mean like the future Zachariah showed me?" The younger Dean asked. Present time Cas answered before the younger Cas could.

"That future never came to pass," Cas answered. The younger Cas looked to the other Cas analyzing him, his eyes flickered to the area where Cas' wings would be, before his face turned to a glare.

"What have you done?" The younger Cas questioned with an angry tone. Present time Cas let out a sigh and lowered his gaze.

"I would like to speak with you... In private," present time Cas spoke calmly and cooly. The younger Cas nodded and the two disappeared.

"Well there goes our ride," young Dean mumbled. The two sets of brothers walked up to the other.

"First thing I need to know..." younger Sam was looking right at present day Sammy. "Do we stop the apocalypse?" The two current Winchesters looked to each other before the corner of Sam's mouth curled up into a proud smile.

"Yeah, you do," Sam answered. Younger Dean nudged the younger Sam in the arm.

"Told you it would get better," younger Dean smiled.

"No. Actually it all gets much worse," Dean interrupted.

"You're kidding... what could be worse than the apocalypse?" Young squirrel scoffed. Dean raised an eyebrow.

"Do you really wanna know?" He asked. The young Dean quickly wiped the smirk off his face.

"Actually we do," the young moose asked.

"Well, to stop the apocalypse we let Lucifer posses us," Sam replied, looking to young Sam.

"You do what?!" The younger Dean half-yells.

"Yeah, then he throws himself into the cage, dragging buttercup and Adam with him," Dean continues.

"Then, what?" Young Dean asks, cautiously.

"You know I don't think telling them anymore is a good idea... You know wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff," Dean interrupts the present moose before he could continue.

"At least tell us what year it is... 2011? 2012?" The young moose tried to pry more from the current brothers.

"2016," Dean answered. "You know what... We will tell you one thing-"

"You win, you make it every time, but you lose everyone," Sam continued. The younger Winchesters looked to each other.

"Everyone?" Young Dean asked. It was clear that he regretted asking anything about the future.

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