OneShot: Wedding Day (Castiel x Reader)

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So this is my entry for @JellyWinchester 's contest!


You sighed as you zipped up the back of your dress. It was a simple white sundress, you couldn't afford anything better. The family business didn't have a good pay, scratch that. It didn't pay at all. This wasn't what you had ever envisioned as your wedding day, and money was an issue you feared the ins't and Castiel had proposed to you. It wasn't that you didn't love him, you loved him with all your heart, but you had always wanted a fairytale wedding. All you were getting was a run down church in Vegas with only you, your brothers and of course Cas. You pulled your hair up into a ponytail. You looked into the mirror to attempt to do your makeup, when standing behind you was a familiar demon. You turned around quickly, your blade at Crowley's throat in a second.

"Calm down, Y/n. I'm here to help," Crowley purred, pointing the knife away from him.

"Help how?" You questioned, you still held a firm grip on your blade.

"Think of me as your fairy godmother," he replied. Hope fluttered in your chest.

"Is this some trick?" You asked, knowing he had to have something up his sleeve.

"No, darling it's not," he replied, "now let's get you out of those rags." He snapped his fingers and your dress changed into a long flowing dress. You smiled as you looked down at the elegant dress. Crowley smiled at his handiwork. You were brought nearly to tears.

"Thanks Crowley," you smiled.

"Don't thank me yet," he smiled. He opened the door and in walked Charlie, Jo and Meg. They were each wearing blue bridesmaid dresses. You could swear you recognized the color somewhere...

"Oh Y/n! You look beautiful!" Charlie exclaimed, hugging you tightly.

"You should wear dresses more often, you look great in them. I can see why the unicorn is attracted to you," Meg smirked.

"Well I think you are in capable hands," Crowley smiled before leaving.

"Why are you here?" You asked.

"Hair and make up," Jo replied.

"I'm actually here for moral support and because I happen to tolerate your presence more than most," Meg added. Charlie sent a glare before getting to work on your hair. Jo took on your make up.

"Who else is here?" You asked, handing Charlie a bobbypin.

"Oh you'll see soon," Jo replied, "now hold still." When they were done you looked beautiful.

"Oh Y/n, I'm going to cry," Charlie said, fanning her eyes.

"Don't cry! You'll ruin the make up!" Jo exclaimed. Meg shook her head and handed you your bouquet of flowers.

"Well I think you're ready," Meg added, taking your hand. The girls led you out the door and into the hallway. You looked around realizing you were no longer in the Vegas church.

"Holy crap," you said, staring in awe.

"Angels and their showing off," Meg mumbled. She handed Charlie and Jo their bouquets and they walked up to a set of double doors. They each walked through the doors and you waited in the hallway for your cue.

"Hey sis," you heard a familiar voice. You turned to see your brothers in more expensive tuxes than you last saw them.

"Did you guys set this up?" You asked. They both turned to each other and smiled.

"You really thought we'd let our little sister get married to our closest friend in a shady church, in Vegas?" Sam smiled. You shook your head.

"I think that's our cue," Dean smiled as the music in the other room changed. They linked arms with you on either side and the doors swung open as the wedding march played. You smiled as everyone stood. The room was filled with angles and demons alike. Then, you saw him...

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