Oneshot: Heather x Castiel

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Requested by @DreamyKawaii
This is Heather's PoV
This is NOT a continuation of my last Heather x Castiel story
!Warning Triggers!

    "Your a challenge Heather Winchester, it really takes some work to get you screaming, but when you do, it's music to my ears" Lucifer said, pacing around me. I was breathing heavily, every inch of my body was bloody and bruised. He dragged the blade across my arm, slicing it open even more, I let out a yelp.

    "Go to Hell Lucifer" I hissed, blood running from my mouth.

    "In case you've forgotten, we are in Hell" Lucifer said. He smiled and picked up pliers. I squeezed my eyes shut as he started ripping out my nails one by one. I only let out little squeaks of pain.

    "Hmm, that didn't do much" he said. I watched as he looked over the table of torture instruments. He turned back to me and smiled a horrible, wicked grin. He reached out and grabbed a hammer. He threw it in the air, and it spun around before he caught it. He slowly walked over to me. I gripped the arms of the chair preparing myself for the pain, but it didn't do shit. He slammed the hammer on my knee, shattering the knee cap. I screamed as my leg went completely numb.

    "There we go, I like that. Let's do that again" Lucifer said with a laugh. He brought the hammer up and prepared to swing, before lowering the hammer. "Maybe I'll save that for later" he smiled. He walked out of the room and slammed the large metal door shut. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping maybe this time when I opened my eyes I would wake up. I thought back to just a few weeks ago.

    "What you doing Heather?" Castiel asked, sitting down next to me on the motel bed.

    "Reading" I replied, leaning on my angel's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me, which was uncharacteristic of my angel. "Cas, you okay?" I asked.

    "Yeah" he replied. Cas never says yeah, he isn't that casual. I kept my cool and rolled off the bed. I walked slowly past the door joining my room with my brother's motel room. I heard their muffled talking, and I heard a gruff voice along with theirs. I turned around to look at the impostor. I subconsciously grabbed for my angel blade. I didn't feel anything on my belt.

    "Looking for this?" the imposter said, holding my angel blade in his hands.

    "Who are you?" I asked.

    "I'm sad Heather, how could you forget me especially when your brother couldn't stop seeing me" he grinned. My breath caught in my throat.

    "Lucifer" I hissed.


    I slowly opened my eyes to find I was still tied to a chair, in Hell. A tear fell down my face, leaving a burning trail down my cheek. I looked at the floor. There was no way in- well here- I was getting out this alive. I was never seeing my brothers or my angel... Oh my sweet Castiel, I'm never going to see those beautiful blue eyes ever again, hear him call me

    "Bee" I heard a voice whisper. I looked up to see my angel.

    "Cas is that you?" I asked wearily.

    "Yes, Heather it's really me." he said, starting to cut the ropes that blinded me to the chair. He picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his arm. I heard the flap of wings and I looked around to see we were at the Bunker. Sam and Dean were sitting at the war room table. They jumped up from their seats.

    "Heather" Dean said rushing to me. Cas set me down, and I leaned heavily on him.

    "Hey bros" I said, coughed up some blood. Cas put two fingers to my head. I felt warmth run through me, as all my wounds healed. I hugged my brothers tightly. I turned to Cas and grabbed his tie pulling his lips onto mine. I held my head against his head.

    "I love you Heather" Cas said softly. I smiled.

    "I love you too my angel" I said, pulling him in for another kiss.

I hope this was to your liking @DreamyKawaii

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