OneShot: Christmas Party (Balthazar x Reader)

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You adjusted Balthazar's matching red tie and straightened his black coat jacket. You held Balthazar's hand as he led you up to the door of the mansion. The door swung open on it's own. You walked in to see many angels and their, if they had one, dates. Some eyes looked to you, but most ignored you. You may be a hunter, but it wasn't like Balthazar had brought a Winchester. Across the room you saw Dean and Castiel, talking to Samandriel. You also saw Sam with your best friend Gabriel, awkwardly talking to Lucifer, who was creeping ever closer to Sam. Balthazar began to introduce you to some angels who didn't really know you. You wandered off, when he began to talk to one of his brothers. You moved over to the snacks, you picked up a cookie, took a bite. You got lost in thought, listening to the Christmas music playing in the background.

"Y/n?" you heard a very trickster voice. You snapped out of your zone, to see Gabriel standing in front of you.

"Hey Gabe," you replied, hugging him.

"Merry Christmas," Gabriel greeted.

"Merry Christmas, Loki," you teased. He smirked, you knew it annoyed him when you called him that. "You know I didn't think you angels would be into Christmas."

"You kidding? This is some of the few times we get along. I especially like it, because it was one of the first times I was on Earth." he replied. "Everyone else remembers it as the last time Dad really did anything since Luc got thrown in the cage," he added, shrugging his shoulders.

"You hitting on my girl, Gabriel?" Balthazar teased, giving Gabe a light punch.

"Maybe I was," Gabriel smirked, "Well I gotta go get my moose before Lucifer scares him away." He dashed off to find Sam.

"You know Balthy, this is one of the best Christmases I have had since before I started hunting," you said, leaning on the snack table. Balthazar smirked and leaned in to kiss you, before you were interrupted.

"It's snowing!" someone shouted. You looked out the window to see the white dots falling from the night sky. You moved to the window and watched as the snow started to pile up on the grass. Balthazar kissed you on the cheek, wrapping his arms around you, you leaned into his warmth. Then, something fuzzy brushed against your nose, and for a split second you his brown wings, you let out a small gasp. Something he had told you a long time ago was that the only way someone saw an angel's wings was if they were special or if the angel truly loved them with all their being. You turned to face him to see him down on one knee, holding a box with a ring in it, and everyone around you was watching.

"Y/n, I loved you more than anything on this planet or heaven or anywhere. And if you'll have me, will you marry me?" he asked. Tears stinging your eyes, you nodded.

"Yes," was all you could manage. Everyone began to cheer and clap. He smiled and stood up, taking your hand and slipping the ring on your finger. As you kissed him, everything seemed to disappear, and it was only you and him. When you pulled apart you saw his majestic brown wings, glowing on his back. He wiped away your tears and kissed you again. You looked at the ring on your finger. You gave him a playful skeptical look.

"Did you steal this?" you teased.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," he replied, you simply shook your head.

"This is definitely the best Christmas I have ever had, there is no debate about that," you stated.

"Merry Christmas, Y/n," Balthazar said.

"Merry Christmas, Balthazar."


Yay so I have a oneshot for everyone now!

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