Oneshot: Heather x Castiel

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So this is another request from @DreamyKawaii
Also I'm going to try my hand at writing in 1st person.
--Warning Triggers--
I paced back and forth, waiting for Cas, my boyfriend of 6 months, to get to the bunker.
"Heather calm down, he probably ran in to some traffic" Sam said glancing up from his book.
"Sam, he is was only 30 minutes away when he called. Which was two hours ago!" I said angrily. Dammit Cas! Where are you? I thought as I walked to my room and laid down on my bed. Forgetting that I had been up for over 4 hours I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I drifted into a dream
I walked along the edge of the shore, stopping to pick up a shell. I watched the waves roll as the sun set in the distance.
"Heather" I heard a gruff voice say. I turned around to see Cas.
"Cas?" I asked confused as to why he was in my dream, he never was in this one.
"Heather, I must make this quick. Go to the Clearton warehouse, It's only 5 miles away from the bunk-" he said, before his image faded away.
"Cas!" I yelled, reaching a hand out for him.
I sat up, awaking from my dream. Was that real? I asked myself. When I got out of bed, something fell out of my pocket... the shell from my dream. I gasped and ran into the war room.
"Cas is in trouble" I said quickly grabbing my jacket, making sure my angel blade was in there.
"How do you know?" Dean asked skeptically.
"He came to me in a dream" I quickly explained. I grabbed the keys to the Impala and threw them to Dean as we ran to the garage. I quickly climbed into back seat, as dean and Sam climbed into their seats. Sam pulled out his laptop and found out where the warehouse was. We got there in 7 minutes. We parked the Impala down the street and made our way to the warehouse on foot. We saw Cas's pimpmobile and bloody streaks leading to the door. I started to panic, but I mentally slapped myself, trying to get ahold of myself. I peered into one of the windows, but I couldn't see a thing through the dirty window. We made our way to the back door. Sam picked the lock and quietly opened it. We saw several people standing around someone sitting up against the wall. I slowly made my way, closer to the group of people, ducking behind cover as I went. Finally, I could see the people standing's faces. Their eyes were pitch black. I turned back to Dean and sam and made pointy ears with my hands, signaling these people were demons. He nodded and gave me the go ahead to jump into action. I turned back to the group, one of them moved out of the way, allowing me to see who was on the floor. My eyes met the blue eyes of Castiel. Anger pumping through me, I quickly ran up and stabbed the closest demon in the back, he lit up orange. Then, he crumpled to the floor with a thump, the rest of the demons turned around.
"Shit" I said as one of the demons ran at me. I jumped back as she swung a pipe. I grabbed it and pulled her towards me stabbing her through the gut. I threw her to floor. Dean and Sam ran up and took on some of the demons. I stabbed another demon, when I spotted two of them trying to drag Cas out of the warehouse. Cas was struggling with all his strength, which at this point wasn't much. I ran at full speed and stabbed one demon. The other turned around in time to slash me in the side with his knife, making a deep gash. Ignoring the pain I jumped on the demon, slamming to the ground. I stabbed him through the heart. I ran to Castiel and helped him up. I looked up and saw Sam stab the last demon. I turned back to Cas.
"Heather" Cas whimpered. His face was bloodied and bruised, and a gash ran down his chest and cheek.
"Shhh, it's okay, you're gonna be okay" I said grabbing his shoulders. "Dean! Sam!" I yelled. They ran over and helped Cas up and carried him to the Impala. Dean drove as fast as he could. I sat in the back trying to stop the bleeding. "Come on Cas, stay with me" I said. The towel was drenched with blood. I pulled off my shirt, leaving me in my bra, and held my shirt to his chest. We pulled into the garage. Dean and I pulled Cas out of the car, as Sam went to go get the bunker's larger first-aid kit. Castiel's blue eyes fluttered open and closed. "Don't you dare die on me!" I yelled as we picked him up and laid him on the garage floor "Dammit Cas, why isn't your mojo kicking in?" I yelled more to myself than Cas. We furiously stitched up the wound and wrapped up his chest. Cas's eyes were growing duller by the minute, whatever those demons did to him, was keeping his grace from healing him. Cas grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.
"Heather, I- I love you" Castiel said as his eyes fluttered closed.
"Cas? Cas, please wake up! Cas!" I yelled shaking his shoulders. His body remained limp. I laid on his chest, clinging to him. "I love you too" I whispered.
Eventually, Dean pulled me off him, and stitched up my wound and got me another shirt. "We're not gonna burn him yet" I said firmly.
"Heather..." Sam began.
"I'm going to fix this, it's my fault. I should have went to look for him sooner and now he's dead" I said. I walked outside and fell to my knees. Rain poured down, masking my tears. I closed my eyes.
"This is for any angel that's listening. Castiel is- is d-dead. I need someone to bring him back. I know he's ripped up the big story, waged a civil war, and caused you all to fall. He carries that burden every single day, believe me I know, I'm the one who has to make that weight a little lighter on him, but all those things he did were to protect humanity. He's one of the few angels that still listens to the mission you were all given. So if you ever cared about humanity at least one of you will get down here and bring him back. Please." Nothing happened and I started to walk down the road.
-364 days 23 hours 58 minutes 35 seconds later-
I walked with Castiel along the beach, our hands intertwined. I stopped and picked up a shell. I handed it to Cas and he added it the rest in the pocket of his trench coat.
"I love you, Heather" he said leaning his forehead on mine.
"I love you too, Castiel" I said kissing him. "Could you go get my jacket from back at the bunker?" I asked. He nodded and flashed away. I sighed then, I heard the growl behind me...
So I hope you liked this! I know the ending is kind of sad, but I kind of like it. See you next time!

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