Imagine: Good Thing I Like Dogs

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Imagine TFW get turned into dogs.
    You jumped over the couch as the witch cast her spell. You leaned out from the side and fired two shots into her head. She dropped to the floor dead. You stood up and brushed yourself off. You looked at Dean.
    "A little slow today are we?" you asked.
    "Shut up" Dean replied. Sam walked over to the table and started to examine the ingredients for some spell the witch was working on.
    Castiel started to walk towards him "Sam I wouldn't-" He was interrupted by an explosion. You dropped to the floor. As the smoke cleared you stood up.
    "Is everyone okay?" you asked. You didn't see the guys anywhere. Something brushed up against your leg. You looked down to see a little black and white border collie puppy with a blue tie around its neck.
    "What the-" Then, you saw two more puppies tangled in Dean and Sam's clothes. The one tangled in Dean's clothes had a tiny Mark of Cain on its leg. You face palmed, realizing the guys were turned into puppies.
    "Oh for fucks sake" You shuffled through Dean's clothes to find the keys to the Impala. You grabbed their clothes and tried to convince them to follow you to the car. Dean ran off down the road. You quickly grabbed Sam and Cas, and you put them in the car. You ran down the road, until you found Dean munching on a dandelion. You swiftly picked him up and put him in the car. As you drove back to the bunker, you pulled out your phone and called the only person who might know how to reverse the spell, the king of hell himself, Crowley. He picked up the phone on the first ring.
    "Hello (insert type of animal)" Crowley greeted.
    "I need to know how to reverse a spell" you said, jumping to the reason for your call.
    "Right to business then. What kind of spell is it?" he asked.
    "One that turns people into puppies" you said.
    "Is the witch that cast it dead?" Crowley asked.
    "Yeah" you replied.
    "Then, you will just have to wait until the spell wears off" Crowley said, you could hear him smirking.
    "And just how long does that take?" you growled.
    "Roughly five days" he said.
    "Oh come on!" you yelled.
    "Why is this such an issue?" he asked.
    "We were on a witch hunt and the guys got hit with a spell. So now I have to take care of three fucking puppies for five fucking days!" you said frustrated.
    "Best of luck Y/n" Crowley said, before hanging up.
    "Good thing I like dogs" you mumbled, shoving your phone back in your pocket.
You pulled into the garage and got out of the car, before you could stop them, they all ran out of the Impala and into the bunker. You frantically chased after them. Then, they split up and went down different halls. You grabbed some rope and made quick leashes. You went after Sam first. You found him in the library, sleeping underneath one of the tables. Before he woke up you slipped the leash around his neck. He woke up and started to pull on the leash. You scooped him up and took him into the war room, where you tied the leash around one of the support beams on the stairs. Sam barked frantically, knowing Dean would come to his aid you hid.
A few seconds later, you heard the light patter of little puppy paws on the wood floor. You peeked out of your spot to see Dean bitting at the leash. You snuck on him and tackled him to the ground, getting the leash around him. You tied him to the beam and went in search for Cas. You eventually found him in Dean's room, sniffing Dean's pillow. You stood in the doorway.
"Cassie, what are you doing buddy?" you said playfully. Castiel turned his head and seeing you jumped off the bed. You sat on the floor and let him jump into your lap. You picked him up and put the leash on him. You carried him into the war room, to see Sam and Dean had fallen asleep on each other. You tied Cas to the pole and watched as he cuddled up with the brothers. You took the moment to go out and buy dog food. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

-5 days later-

You slowly woke up to be face to face with a sleeping Dean. He was butt naked. You quickly covered your eyes.
"Deannnnnnn" you whined.
"Yes?" he asked "hold on that wasn't a bark I'm back!" You felt him get out of bed. "Oh God my eyes!" you assumed he had found Sam sleeping on the floor and Cas on the chair.
"Dean?" you heard Sam say groggily. "Oh God you're naked!"
"I do believe you are too" you heard a gruff voice say.
"Would you all get out of my room and put some clothes on!" you yelled, still covering your eyes.

A cute little imagine. Also the art is by me! Hope you liked it!

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