OneShot: Always Keep Fighting (Dean x Reader)

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-Public Service Announcement-
If you have ever been suicidal, had suicidal thoughts, self harm or have thought about self harming you need to know that you are NOT alone. You may feel like no one cares or no one understands, but there are people who understand. I understand, I have friends who used to self harm and some still do. So don't EVER think that you are alone or that no one understands...
Even celebrities understand... Our own moose, Jared Padalecki understands. So talk to someone... Or something, like your pet or a stuffed animal, just get it all out. Just always keep fighting. Cause that's what Jared would want you to do. And you being brave enough to fight that fight everyday would make him and Jensen, Misha, Mark, Richard, Rob, Matt and the entire cast so proud of you. And if they are real somewhere, Sam, Dean, Cas, and Gabriel and everyone would be so proud of you. Hell, I'm pretty sure even Lucifer would be proud... So ALWAYS KEEP FIGHTING.
-End of Public Service Announcement-

This was requested by Mamiesue87
-Trigger Warning-
Self Harm Thoughts
Suicidal thoughts

You walked into the bathroom at the motel and shut the door. You had just finished a hunt with your boyfriend, Dean and his little brother Sam. You had been captured by the wendigo and since Dean was worried about you, both victims had died. You slid down the door, hot tears streaming down your face. You grabbed your pocket knife and opened it. You pulled up the sleeve of your shirt, exposing your arm. Scars covered your arms and there were more on your thighs. They weren't from some creature or monster, well if you call depression a monster then I guess they were from a monster.

You never fit in the hunting life, the only reason you were in it was because your parents had dragged you into it when your brother had been killed. You always seemed to get someone killed... And that was how you met Dean, he and Sam had saved you from a demon, but your parents were already dead. You fell in love with Dean and for some reason he kept you around, something you never understood...

Your made horizontal cut on your arm, blood started to drip onto the floor. You made more cuts until you heard a knock on the door.

"Y/n?" Dean asked.

"Just a minute!" You called through the door, your voice wavered. You mentally cursed yourself for making so obvious you were upset.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, just a little upset over the hikers," you replied, making up a story. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Can I join you?" Dean purred.

"No, I'll pass," you answered. You heard him huff and walk away. You stood and you vision blurred for a second. You reached into the shower and turned on the water, to keep up with your story.

This time, I'll do it you told yourself, picking up your knife again. You wanted out... Out of the hunting life... And death seemed to be the only way. Dean won't miss me, he'll find some other girl... I don't know what he sees in me anyway you thought before you started to cut your arm again, like a road down your arm. Blood started dripping down your arm. You vision blurred until you heard another knock on the door.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Dean asked. You were too weak to answer... "Y/n?" You squeezed your hand into a fist hoping the blood would flow faster. You made more cuts like the one before.

"Y/n, open the door or I'll break it down," Dean warned. You moved over as far away from the door as possible, hoping in the time it could take him to cross the room you would be gone. Darkness seemed just in reach until the door came crashing down.

"No," you pleaded as Dean rushed to you. Tears ran down your face as he took your blade, and threw it into the running shower.

"Sam!" Dean yelled. "Y/n? Hey! Stay with me."

"Dean, what's the- oh my God," Sam said, seeing you. You tried pushing your boyfriend away from you.

"Sam get the kit, right now!" Dean ordered. Sam rushed off as Dean tried to stop the bleeding. He pulled off his jacket and pressed it to your arms.

"Dee, let me go," you pleaded, trying to move away from the eldest Winchester.

"Oh God, Y/n, I should have known," Dean mumbled as Sam returned with the first aid kit.

"Don't," you hissed as Sam grabbed the bandages.

"Dean, you have to hold her," Sam said. Dean nodded and wrapped his arms around you. You kicked and thrashed, not wanting to be saved.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," Dean repeated as he held you down. You had lost a lot of blood and you finally passed out.

"She's out," Dean said, holding your limp body.

"She's not-" Sam started, grabbing the needle.

"No," Dean replied, holding his girlfriend. "Sam, how did we not know?"

"I don't know Dean," Sam replied, starting to suture your cuts. He wrapped them up in bandages and Dean picked you up.

"We're going back to the bunker," Dean said and Sam nodded.

"Hey Babe," you heard Dean's voice say as you regained consciousness. Immediately tears started to fall, not only did they save you, but now they knew. You opened your eyes to see that you were in the back seat of the Impala, Sa was driving and Dean was holding you.

"Why didn't you let me go Dean?" You whispered. Dean hugged you tighter and kissed the top of your head.

"Because I love you," he replied.

"Why? Why do you love me Dean?" You asked, still in a hushed whisper. "I'm not anything special, I'm not pretty, I'm not that smart, and I always get someone hurt or killed on hunts."

"Y/n, stop, just stop," Dean said, tilting your head up to look at him. "You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever met, one of the smartest, and someone will always get hurt on a hunt. As for thinking your not special... You are so wrong."

"Prove it," you dared. Dean pulled you in kissing you passionately.

"Hey, could you wait until I'm not here!" Sam interrupted.

"Shut up Sam," you and Dean chorused.

"Dean, this isn't just going to go away," you added.

"I know, but now I know and I'm going to help," Dean answered, hugging you tightly. "You have to promise something."

"What?" You asked.

"Always keep fighting, Y/n," he whispered in your ear.

"I'll try Dean," you replied, not promising anything.


If any of you need someone to talk to, just message me. I'll always be here, and I'll listen and be a shoulder to cry on. Always keep fighting my


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