OneShot: Brother Betrayal

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The figures sat around the table, waiting for whoever called them to the abandoned club. Lucifer huffed.

"Two minutes before I'm leaving this shit hole" he said.

"Like you have anything better to do" Michael sassed. Lucifer sent him a glare.

"Ladies, ladies, calm down" Crowley cooed.

"Watch it Crowley" Dick Roman said. Abbadon laughed.

"Men" she snickered. They waited and just as Lucifer went to stand up, the door creaked open. The figures faces was hidden by the light shining in from behind her.

"Good, everyone's here" the person said, starting to walk to the table. They knew that voice, they drew their blades and stood up. The figure, opened a lighter and holy fire lit up around the table. Crowley and Abbadon went to step over, when they couldn't, they looked up to see a demon trap painted above the table. Dick went to advance, but the figure drew her own weapon, a bone coated in blood. He backed up and sat down in his seat.

"What do you want Y/n?" Lucifer asked. You smiled.

"I want you to kill my brothers" you said.

"Why? What did they do to turn their own sister on them?" Abbadon asked. You mindlessly twisted the engagement ring on your finger.

"Oh, I see" Lucifer laughed. You glared.

"They killed him. He was a demon, it was our secret. He proposed about two months ago, and I was going to leave the family business. We had planned a dinner, and he came over. They did the usual tests, and they found him out" you explained, a lump forming in your throat as you started to continue. "I defended him, and I thought they understood he was different. Then, they betrayed me. I had left the room to go get beers, and when I came back he was on the floor d-" you couldn't finish your sentence. You thought back to the horrifying moment.

"These are the last ones, but I'll make a-" you dropped the beers to the floor. You pushed your brothers out of the way, and cradled your fiancé's head. He had a stab wound in his chest, his eyes were closed.

"No, (your crushes name) please, no, please wake up" you pleaded. You grabbed his shirt and put your forehead up against his cold one. "I love you" you whispered.

You snapped back to reality.

"Well sorry Y/n for your loss, but you're not worth the risk" Michael said.

"Really, a sibling, trying to get even with their brothers?" you said, glaring at him.

"This is different" Lucifer interjected, "I was in the cage for millennia"

"I will never in my short hunter life ever find anyone like that ever again" you hissed.

"IF we did kill your brothers, what do we get in return?" Dick asked.

"When they're dead, I'll let you do what ever you want with the Earth, I'll stay out of it, no more Winchester interference" you said.

"Enticing, but how would we even begin, they're too smart for a trap" Crowley said.

"So does this mean you are on board?" you asked.

"Sure" Crowley replied.

"I guess I'll do it too" Dick Roman said.

"Why the hell not" Abbadon laughed. "I'm in."

"I don't want any part of this" Michael said.

"I'm in, free roaming" Lucifer said, dreamily. You smiled and pulled out a gun, shooting the trap. You pulled the alarm, turning on the sprinklers, the fire dissipated. Michael sighed and flashed out. Dick looked at you wearily. You threw the bone across the room.

"So when do we begin?" Abbadon said, hungrily.

"Well I do have a solution for bait, and it'll hurt Dean real bad" you grinned evilly. You walked over to a closet, opening the door. You reached into the darkness and grabbed the back of a chair, and pulled it into the room.

"Well, hello again Castiel" Dick smiled. Cas let out a squeak of terror through the gag.

"So Dean does love him" Lucifer said. You leaned on the chair.

"Yep, perfect bait" you smiled.

-Time Skip-

You waited in the shadows, as you heard the dropping of bodies as your brothers fought through the army of demons. The door opened, and your brothers cautiously watched in. You watched as they made their way to Cas, Dean grabbed his shoulders and shook them.

"Cas?" he said, his voice cracking. "Come on man, wake up!" he pleaded. He grabbed Cas's head gently. "You have to wake up, please, I never got the chance to tell you... Cas please I love you" Dean said, tears streaked down his cheeks. You slowly walked out of the shadows.

"How does it feel Dean?" you growled. Your brothers whirled around.

"Y/n?" Sam asked lowering his gun.

"I said, HOW DOES IT FEEL?!" you yelled.

"Y/n, look I'm sorry" Dean said, putting is hands up in mock surrender.

"Sorry, doesn't fix this" you said, as your allies walked out of the shadows to stand next to you.

"Y/n run" Sam said.

"Why would I run?" you asked, with a smile, "when they're my allies."

"Y/n..." Sam said, his voice laced with betrayal.

"You know it's gonna cost me for this, but it's all worth it, just to see you feeling like how I feel" you said. You looked at Cas's limp body.

"You know, I kind of enjoyed it. Hearing him scream, he screamed for you Dean, then I ended him, you know... he loved you too" you said, with a smile. Dean's face grew red with anger. You smiled and turned, walking away. You heard your brothers pleas and, then after a few seconds... nothing. You turned around. Your brothers laid limp on the floor. Blood pooled on the ground. Some thing was wrong, you didn't feel any better... what- what had you just done?


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