Tagged #2

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So I was tagged by the lovely @Cas_fangirl_14

1. Favorite author?
Rick Riordan or J.K. Rowling

2. Favorite Supernatural creature?

3. Favorite Ice Cream?

4. Five Things You Couldn't Live Without?
My iPhone
My iPad
My Shows
My friends

5. Favorite Dessert?
Disney's Chocolate Mousse

6. Last Song You Listened to?
Supernatural Shake It Off Parody by the Hillywood Show

7. Trip to Outer Space or the Bottom of the Ocean?
Bottom of the Ocean

8. What's You're Favorite Emoji?

9. What's Your Favorite Word?

10. What's the Closest Thing to You That's Blue?
iPad Case

11. Favorite Disney Movie?
Ugh! I can't choose!
Quick fact about me... I'm a huge Disney geek. Name a Disney movie and chances are that I've seen it or have it on dvd in my basement. I have an entire bookshelf of Disney movies... That's not an exaggeration.
But I guess I'll go with the Lion King.

12. Twitter or Facebook?
Twitter I guess, but Misha and Jensen stream on Facebook. Then again there are quality tweets on Twitter from people... So maybe both?

13. Nicknames?
Cas by the Dean to my Cas (the platonic way)

1. What character do you ship yourself with?
2. What show would you want to live in?
3. Last thing you Googled?
4. Favorite Disney Prince?
5. Favorite Cancelled Show?
6. What is your internet origin story?
7. What color would you die your hair?
8. Favorite YouTuber?
9. First WattPad story you read? (Actual story, not a oneshot)
10. Favorite version of Cas? Ex: Crazy!Cas, Leviathan!Cas, Amnesia!Cas etc.
11. What ship would you sell your soul for it to be canon?
12. Most recent fandom?
13. Last fansong you listened to?

So I guess I have to tag people...
AvengingSupernatural HannahStuhlreyer Cp_guess_what_itis Hunter_Spn_Posey Whovian4U MissBatman1127

No other people I tag will work...

No other people I tag will work

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Oh well... Bye!

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