OneShot: Heather x Gabriel

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This is for @DreamyKawaii aka Heather.
-Trigger Warning-

"What's the matter little brother? You used to love playing with me." Lucifer teased, dragging the blade down Gabriel's arm slicing it open. Grace and blood poured out. Gabriel struggled in the restraints.
"Just kill me" Gabriel grunted.
"Oh no, I don't want to kill you. This is too much fun" Lucifer laughed. Then, the door creaked open. Lucifer turned around. There stood a woman.
"The Winchesters are here" she said.
"WHAT?" Lucifer yelled, he stormed out of the room. The woman shut the door behind him. She turned to Gabriel.
"Who are you?" she asked him.
"Gabriel" he answered confused.
"The archangel?" she asked.
"Yeah, why do you want to know?" Gabe asked.
"I need to know if you are worth me putting my ass on the line" she said before going out the door. What the hell? Gabriel thought, why would a demon want to save me?
-Time Skip-

Lucifer was particularly angry today, the Winchesters had slaughtered half of his army and stopped Pestilence's disease. So today Gabriel was a punching bag. "Come on Gabriel don't give out on me yet" Lucifer laughed punching Gabriel again. Gabriel was unresponsive. "Oh well it was fun while it lasted" Lucifer said walking out of the room, leaving Gabriel alone in the room. A minute later the door opened again.
"Oh crap" the woman muttered under her breath. She ran over to Gabriel and untied him. She shook his shoulder. "Gabriel, come on man, wake up" she whispered to him. He groaned and slowly regained consciousness. She stood him up. He leaned on her for support, it was a miracle he could even stand, let alone walk. They started down the hallway.
"What's your name?" Gabriel asked the mysterious woman.
"Heather, my name's Heather" she replied. They turned a corner and they were met face to face with a group of demons. "Balls" Heather muttered, then an angel blade slipped out of Heathers sleeve, and she sat Gabriel on the floor leaning against a wall.
"Betraying the master are we?" one of the demons taunted.
"I am not a demon" Heather said jumping into battle with the demons. Her eyes were no longer black and there was a hex bag on the floor. She wasn't a demon? Gabriel looked at Heather's soul and now saw a bright human soul. Meanwhile Heather was kicking the demons' asses. She stabbed one demon and its eyes lit up. She sliced a gash in another and it fell to the ground. It didn't take her long to drop the rest. She turned around and helped Gabriel back up. They left the ware house they were in and started to walk down the road.
"Now where do you think you're going?" a voice said. They turned around to see Lucifer. Gabriel tensed up. They turned to run, but Lucifer was standing in front of them.
    "You stay away from him" Heather said holding her blade in front of her.
    "You think that you, one measly little human will be able to defeat me?" he laughed walking closer to the pair. They backed up with every step he took. Then, Heather turned to Gabriel and with her blade made a slice in his throat. He gasped as she opened her mouth and Gabriel's grace poured in. Heather doubled over as light exploded from her chest. She looked up and her eyes were glowing blue. She grabbed Gabe and they were both gone with a flutter of wings. They were now in a cabin that had warding all over the walls.
    "We should be safe here" Heather said, setting Gabriel down on a couch. She put two fingers to his head and all his injuries were healed. She put her hand to his chest and carved angel shielding into his ribs. Gabriel winced.
    "Thank you" Gabriel said pulling her hand away from his chest. Heather smiled before putting her hand to her chest carving the same into her own chest. She pulled out her blade again and gave Gabriel his grace back. "Why were you pretending to be a demon?"
"I'm an inside woman for the Winchesters" she explained.
"I guess I blew your cover now" Gabriel said looking at the floor. Heather titled Gabe's face up and crashed her lips onto his, Gabriel ran his fingers through her hair. Heather grabbed the back of his neck. Then, they pulled apart panting.
"Wow" Heather said rubbing the back of her neck nervously.
"You know I've got my own witness protection program" Gabriel said looking at her. "We could hide together" he suggested.
"I think I'd like that" Heather replied smiling at the archangel. Gabriel held out his hand and Heather took it, they were gone leaving only a golden feather in their place.
Sorry it took me so long to update, I've been busy with school.
@DreamyKawaii , I hope you liked it and it was what you were asking for!

Message me or comment your request and hopefully I'll do it.

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