1 Year Anniversary Part 2

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Hmm... What should this special oneshot be about?
I have an idea!
Gabriel?! What the hell? How did you get in?!
Hell-o! I'm a trickster!
Just get out! W-wait a minute- Gabriel... What is that?
Gabriel. Is that a spell?
You're about to find out!
Don't you fucking dare. Gabri- *disappears*
Finally some alone time with you guys. So yeah, our dear author-chan is taking a short absence from her writerly duties... Which means I've got the reins! So I say we check in on the lovely G.

"What the hell? Where am I?" G groaned, getting to her feet. She glanced around looking at her surroundings. "Oh for Chuck sake..." Her eyes landed on a heavy metal door on the side of a hill. "Gabriel! What did you do?!" Oh course the archangel wouldn't reply because I'm having fun with this whole writing thing. I can see why Dad does it. Having no other choice she sighed, walked up to the door and knocked. She backed away knowing that the danger of going up to Team Free Will's door and them not knowing who you were. She waited a moment. Nothing happened so she knocked again. This time someone called from the other side of the door.

"Who is it?" She recognized the voice to be Dean's.

"I need help. I was kinda sent here by Gabriel," she yelled back. The door opened up.

"Jesus Christ- you're just a kid," Dean nearly gasped.

"Hey! I'm fourteen," G replied, crossing her arms. Dean laughed slightly.

"Well she's human," Cas, the younger brother of that gorgeous trickster, commented. "You said you were sent by Gabriel... But he's dead." G laughed.

"Well obviously not considering it's his fault I'm here," G grumbled.

"What's your name?" Sam asked.

"Gracie, but most people call me G," our author answered.

"Well, G, how about we get you home," Sam spoke with his signature caring moose smile.

"That's gonna be an issue... Considering I'm not from here, and by here I mean this reality," G added with a nervous smile.

"What?" Dean questioned. G sighed.

"I'm kinda the author of this story... The one we're in right now," G explained. The trio of tall men just stared at her. "Yeah, this isn't your actual reality. This is just the construct of words on a screen. We're in a fanfiction"

"So how did Gabriel get you here?" Cas asked.

"I was about to write a oneshot for the one year anniversary of my book and Gabriel showed up. He used this spell and next thing I knew I was out here. And now because all of this is happening I'm gonna guess that he has hijacked my story," G rightly guessed.

"So none of this is real?" Dean asked.

"No, but for us it is," G replied. "And I think I have an idea as to how to get control back."

"How do we know you're not messing with us?" Sam questioned.

"Well... I guess you'll just have to trust me," G answered with a shrug. "I mean you've trusted shadier people."

"She's right, Dean," Cas added.

"What the hell- why not?" Dean sighed. "Come on in, G."

"I've always wondered what it was like in the bunker... I mean I've written my self in, but I've never really been in it," G grinned walking down the bunker steps.

"What do we do to get you promoted?" Sam questioned. G walked into the library.

"Uh- I can't say...if I do, Gabe could try to stop me," G answered.

"Couldn't he just read your mind?" Dean asked. G shook her head.

"Can't dig around in this noggin," She tapped on her head. Author-chan was right, the archangel couldn't see her thoughts like I can see into the boys minds. For example Dean is thinking that he hopes she'll write something Destiel soon. I'm getting bored so you know what that means?


G smiled and took the jar from the moose. She put some of the jar's contents into the bowl.

"What else do you need?" Cas asked.

"I uh- kinda need- fbhdsjn," G mumbled the last word.

"I'm sorry, what?" Dean questioned, moving a bit closer to out reader. G sighed and looked back to the bowl.

"I need one of Lucifer's feathers," she mumbled. "I need the feather of an archangel and Lucifer is the only one we happen to have on hand."

"Actually, that's not a problem," Sam added. He rushed down the hall before returning, a golden feather in hand.

"How did you get that?" Dean questioned.

"I've just had it," Sam answered handing it over to G.

"I know how... I scrapped a Sabriel story in which Sam had a feather of Gabriel's," G explained, putting the feather in the bowl.

"So you were writing a fanfiction about my little brother and Gabriel?" Dean asked, a bit of anger in his voice. Why I don't know- I mean his brother is a very handsome moose that just so happens to have hots for an even better looking trickster.

"Uh huh," Author-chan counted on her hand. "And we just need one more thing..."

"Please be something easy," Dean mumbled.

"It's simple... I just need a bit of you and Sam's hair. You've both been to another reality so you are weak points to which I can use to my advantage," G turned to him and smiled.

"Oh that's easy," Sam breathed a sigh of relief. The two tall men plucked a hair from their heads and handed them to G. She put them in the bowl before grabbing a match.

"You sure this is going to work?" Cas asked. "I've never even heard of a spell like this."

"Nether have I... I'm kinda just winging this," G smirked and before dropping the match into the bowl. Red smoke rose from the bowl.

"Uh... Is that supposed to happen?" Dean asked. G smiled and stared off into the distance for a moment.

"I think it's working... I can see the text," she hummed. She looked down at her hands they were starting to fade away.

"Before you go, write something Destiel," Dean requested.

"Of course," G smirked. "Bye now!" The trickster was in trouble now.

Surprise bitch.

Oh heyyyyyyy

Gabriel you little shit... Get the fuck outta here.

Bye for now lovely readers! I'll be back eventually! *disappears*

Sorry for that tacos... Hey. This isn't half bad... Maybe I don't have to write a oneshot after all! Score!
I guess I'll see you tacos later! Sorry about Gabriel again... Bye!

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