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Sept 2013
I'm so super sorry this has been delayed for so long! I've be so busy with friends and homework and school but I'm really trying to get into a routine. Thanks for reading you're all Gucci :)


You were sitting at a bar in some Sydney nightclub, alone and bored.

It was your gap year and you were working 6 days a week, so your friend dragged you out to the same nightclub on your day off.

However, she was a lot more outgoing than you and always managed to end up with a guy by the end of the night as you crept out at midnight alone.

As you were sitting alone at the bar, a really hot guy came and sat next to you.

The second he came near you you were immediately put off. He absolutely reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.

"Hey gorgeoussssss..." He slurred.

You simply smiled in response and as his overwhelming stench got the better of you, you snuck into the crowd when he wasn't looking, hoping to go unnoticed.

However, he must have seen you as not one minute after you'd joined the throng of sweaty bodies, you found him again, dancing right up against you and staring straight down your tight crop top. He was trying to speak to you but he was so drunk everything he was saying slurred.

After a few minutes of you trying to avoid his perverted dancing He got behind you and started grinding you aggressively, which was absolutely vile. You turned around and shoved his chest yelling "FREAK!" at him as you turned on your heel, desperate to find an exit of the club. Seconds later you felt a hand grip at the back of your top and you were yanked backwards.

"WHERE DO Y-YOOU Y THINK Y-YYOURRRE GOINNNNGGG!?" He screamed in your ear as you frantically struggled to escape his grasp. He sensed you panicking and looped his arm round your neck, meaning he was strangling you a little.

His grip ever tightening, you were getting more and more choked in your attempt to get away until you heard a sickening crunch and his arm fell from your neck.

The next thing you knew, a hand grabbed yours and was pulling you at lightning speed through the crowd now gathering around the drunken mess on the floor.

Everything was blurry to you, you were just grabbing a strangers hand and shoving to get out of what was currently a living nightmare.

You could here vague shouts of "he just punched him!" And "oh my god his nose is bleeding!" And "god is he ok?" And even the occasional "if he gets blood on my shoes..."

It wasn't until you felt the cool night air around your face that you realised you had escaped the club and were now face to face with a panting, smiling, utterly gorgeous guy.

He looked about 19 (A/N I know Luke's 17 but skip two years to make the age gap work ok ;p ) and he had natural blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.

"Are you OK!?" He asked, still catching his breath.

"Never better..." You replied sarcastically. "Thanks so much for getting me out of there by the way!!"

He smiled at you and your heart flipped inside.

"No problem! I used to go to college with that guy back there, he's got a messed up life but that's no excuse to treat a gorgeous girl like you badly is it?"

You blushed furiously.

"Well I'm Luke anyways." He continued. "What's your name?"

"Y/N..." You replied, looking at your shoes and still blushing.

"That's a gorgeous name." Luke replied, and even though your gaze was truly fixed on the ground, you could feel him smiling.

"Hey, Y/N, why won't you look at me?"

Oh god, what were you supposed to say now? "Oh yeah sorry, i'm just intimidated by your utter perfection"!?!?

You tilted your head up slowly until you were looking him in the eyes again. They were absolutely stunning and you kind of got lost in them momentarily.

"Oh, uh, sorry.." You said as you realised you had been staring at a complete strangers face and not regretting a single instant.

"Y/N?" Luke asked.


"Look, I rescued you because you are utterly gorgeous, and you obviously don't realise that, which you need to. And so, I should get back home now but I was wondering, would you, uuhh, consider me taking you out tomorrow night?"

You were so shocked! But of course you had to reply so you said

"I'd love to! Wait, what's your number I'll add you as a contact and text you."

You pulled your phone out of the hidden pocket in your skirt and unlocked it before handing it to Luke.

He filled in his contact details and gave you a heart melting smile before thanking you, giving you a kiss on the cheek and running off into the dark.


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