No.34- Ashton

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For my bae LuceIrwin 🎶💕

Six months. Six months today was the day you broke up with Ashton Irwin. The break up had completely changed you as a person, and as a result you decided to change your appearance.
You'd worked out more, had your blonde hair ombréd turquoise and got your cartilage pierced. You loved your new image!! All to prove to Ashton that you didn't need him.

You had a new image, and you were working on a new personality, but you still couldn't make a new truth. You were in love with Ashton, and as many times as you denied it, you needed him.

You thought you were free of him but the two of you were destined to be together. The way you first met and the way you broke up, fate wanted you together.

That's why you weren't surprised when you saw him at your cousin's house party. He was the popular kid, he was bound to be everywhere.

He was leaning against the drinks table, surveying the crowd of people dancing when his eyes met yours across the room. You froze, almost afraid, but at the same time your stomach was doing backflips inside of you. He still had the same affect on you after all this time. You reached for your best friend but she was gone. You noticed him slowly walking towards you and realised that you were going to have to do this alone.

As he reached you, you felt sick. He was so gorgeous, and there was no denying it.

"Hey, hey Ash." You choked out.

"Hey. Lucy. Good to see you. How've you been?" He smiled, seemingly totally at ease with you.

"Oh, good. How about you?"

"Ok... Wait do you have new hair!? That's amazing!!"

"Yeah," you smiled. "And this."
You pulled back your thick hair to reveal your piercing. He stared, impressed.

"All after the break up? Wow, you've changed... Wait. Lucy, why did we break up?"

You remember the night all too well. Every single detail. The way Ashton said he couldn't deal with a relationship anymore, the way he wasn't ready for any commitments. It still made you angry.

"We broke up because you weren't ready. I still loved you..." You trailed off.

Ashton looked at you and placed a hand on your shoulder.
"I still loved you too. That's why I let you go. But the reason I came over here was to say that I've grown up Luce. I'm ready for whatever life throws. Will you give me another chance?"

His eyes gleamed with hope and you smiled shyly.

"Ok Ashton." You grinned. "One more chance..."

He moved your hair out your face and bit his lip before moving in for the kiss.
Your lips moved in perfect sync, just as they had done all those months ago.

"Stay with me." Ashton murmured as he pulled away.

"I will." You whispered back.



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