No.25- Michael

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for @emily_is_a_penguin_ 🍧

"So. Emily. Me and your dad are going out for the day, you'll be ok looking after y/little sisters/n won't you? Great. Bye!"

You parents then walked out the door, loudly closing it behind them.

You looked over at your two year old sister who was watching some kind of children's TV program. You'd been dumped with her and your best friend Michael was due over any second. You had a massive crush on Michael and you had a feeling that looking after your baby sister wasn't going to make him like you.

You heard a knock at the door of your apartment and Michael let himself in. You'd been friends since you were seven years old, and eleven years had passed, but your friendship was still as strong.

"Woaah!" He announced as soon as he saw y/l/s/n. "you never told me about babysitting!?"

"The just dumped me with it." You groaned. "Basically ruined our day."

Michael took a seat on the kitchen work top next to where you were cooking pizza and shook his head.

"I don't think so! We could have some fun with her, you know, do kids stuff but say its for her benefit. It'll be great!"

You shrugged and pulled the pizza out the microwave before getting three plates ready. You cut Michael half a pizza, your sister one piece that you sliced into tiny squares, and then finally gave yourself the remainder.

After your scrap lunch, your sister started getting restless and demanded the three of you took a trip to the park. You couldn't disobey for fear of her screaming the house down, so you bundled her up in a coat and set off down the road.

Within five paces she was complaining about her coat being too hot, her hair being too tight and her shoes being too small. You sighed loudly and pulled her along beside you anyway, stamping her feet and yelling.
After only about five seconds, you were completely fed up. You stopped in the middle of the pavement and crouched down to her level, whilst Michael waited next to you. You felt so sorry for him, but he was smiling his adorable smile the whole time.

"Look, y/l/s/n. me and Michael have come out here for you and we'd rather be at home so just be grateful we're taking you out at all!! Now if you don't pipe down, I'll take you straight home again!"

Your harsh tone made her bottom lip tremble and a few tears filled up in her eyes. Before you could try and stop her, she started crying, just in the middle of the pavement.

You looked at Michael despairingly and he decided to have a go at calming her down. He too crouched down in front if her and it was your turn to watch.

He looked directly into her eyes and spoke slowly and kindly.
"Hey y/l/s/n, why are you crying? It's no fun if you're crying. Look, if your shoes are rubbing then I can give you a shoulder ride to the park, but only if you dry your eyes, ok? Come on."

She stopped crying instantly and Michael picked her up with ease and sat her on his shoulders.

"Oh god mike!" You laughed. "How did you end up doing this? Hey, y/l/s/n, what do you say to Michael?"

"Thank you Michael!!" She giggled happily.

"No problem!" He laughed. "Hey, should we race Emily?"

She squealed in delight so he took it as a yes and started walking at a fast pace down the road and didn't stop until you all reached the park.

When you got there, Michael let your sister off his shoulders and she immediately rushed off to play in the manky sandpit she adored.

This left Michael, doubled over with his hands on his knees, panting. He looked hilarious and you lead him over to the park bench. When he had the ability to breathe again, you giggled and he sprang up and attacked you with tickles until you begged for mercy. You flattened your hair down again and looked at him as he watched your sister playing, with the biggest smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling?" You asked

"That was the first time I've ever done something with a kid that's actually worked. It's an amazing feeling."

"First time!? Michael, that was great! It was so cute too..."

Michael just looked at you, alarmed, as the realisation dawned on you that you just told your best friend you thought he was cute.

"Oh, shit. No. Michael that's not what I meant, I'm so sorr-"

Michael crashed his lips against yours to silence you, and it worked. You kissed him back and reluctantly pulled away a few seconds later, grinning.

"Cute." Michael laughed and attached his lips to yours again.

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