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Sept 2013 For carolineee_pawl :p

You walked home from school in an awful mood.

It was Friday, but not even that could improve your mood.

All your "friends" had made plans for a party tonight without you so you were going to be home alone all evening, seeing as both your parents were away on business.

After a long walk home you arrived at the front door to find a paper bag with a note stuck to it.

Your ripped off the post it note and it read-

"Hey babe :-)

I wasn't at school today I know, I'm sorry. I was just sorting all of this out. In the bag there's some things, I'll be round to pick you up at 8.

Love you,

Luke xoxo"

You couldn't help but smile like an idiot as you picked up the bag and ran inside, into the kitchen.

You placed the bag on the table and turn it upside down.

Out fell an oversized white t-shirt with a penguin on (it was from Luke after all), some black disco pants and some cherry red high tops. There was also an envelope.

You ripped open the envelope, intrigued. Two pieces of paper fell out, and as you turned them over you read the writing on them, and you had to pinch yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming!!




Sydney Opera House!? You'd always dreamed of going there, seem as you were only a two hour drive away. Green Day!? Your complete obsession. VIP!? M&G!?!?!?

You screamed and grabbed your clothes in a bundle, before running upstairs to get in the shower.

After a quick shower, you dressed and did your makeup. You decided to go for winged eyeliner and a smokey eye, along with cherry red lipstick too.

After what seemed like no time at all, it was 8 O'clock and you heard the engine of Luke's car revving in the driveway. You collected your phone, purse and tickets before running outside to see Luke, standing against the car door.

"LUKE!!" You screamed, running up to hug him. "Thank you SO much!!! You didn't have to do this oh my god!!"

"Anything for you babe," Luke replied, kissing you passionately before opening your car door for you and driving away

*six hours later*

You and Luke were back at yours, you voices hoarse from shouting and your heart still pounding from the excitement of meeting Green Day. It was incredible!!

Luke was spooning you and you felt safe and protected in his arms.

"I love you so much." He whispered in your ear before drifting off to sleep.

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