No.22- Michael

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For michaelcliffherd :) xx

"Babe I'm bored!! You've been studying for like two hours non stop!! Come and have some fun!!"

You looked over at your flat mate and boyfriend, Michael. He was home from tour just in time for Christmas, and also in time for your University Finals that were coming up after the Christmas break.

You were currently sitting at your desk, your laptop on and about 500 different folders open in front of you. Your auburn hair flowed down your back. It hadn't been brushed for three days, but then again, you had spent the past week at your desk, meals and sleeping included.

"Mikey." You said. "The exams I'm taking after this holiday is over determine my entire future. Just let me revise. Please??"

You pushed your glasses up your nose and continued to read your psychology notes. Nothing was going in. You began to panic and you felt the beads of sweat on your forehead. The room seemed to heat up and you started to feel really dizzy.

"Michael! Michael I feel -"

You saw the room spin around you as Michael ran to catch you before you fainted.

You woke up one hour later in bed, feeling slightly better for a proper sleep.
Michael was in bed next to you, shirtless and snoring. You snuggled into his warm chest and began to close your eyes again when you felt his soft lips on your head.
You looked up towards him and your eyes met.

"It's 7pm." He murmured. "You fainted out of exhaustion about an hour ago so I took you to bed. You haven't come to bed with me for like a week. I missed our cuddles!"

He cuddled closer into you, without even breaking eye contact.

"Payton. I want you to leave your books. Just for tonight. I'll let you study all you want tomorrow, but your absolutely exhausted. Just sleep for now and I'll wake you tomorrow and help you learn it all. I love you baby. Goodnight!"

Michael turned off the one lamp that was on next to him and before you could even reply "I love you too", you were asleep on his chest.

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