No.28- Ashton

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For the bravest and most beautiful girl :) - lucyhemmo 💕

"Lucy dear. Would you like to stay here for Christmas?" That was the question Ashton's mum asked you one month ago that lead to where you were now.

You had been dating Ashton for about 10 months and his parents had really taken a shine to you. That's why it came as no surprise that they asked you to spend Christmas with them.

You packed a small bag and walked out the door of your little apartment, locking the door behind you. You couldn't wait to spend the week with all of Ashton's family!

Ash was waiting in the parking lot in his car, revving the engine.

"Come on babe!" He called out the window as you made your way across to him.

You opened the door and bundled into the car, before he set off to his house.

"Ok. Basically, you've met all of then before, apart from my gran. She is mental and best to stay away from. That's all, and other than that you should be fine!" Ashton explained, before continuing, "now stop worrying, turn up the radio and enjoy Christmas."

He beamed at you and you rolled down the windows and both jammed out to "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey, which seemed to be the only thing on the radio at the moment.

Once you arrived at Ashton's house, he took your bag for you and walked up his front steps. He let himself in and was greeted by his mum, who welcome you with a warm hug too.

"Lucy, make yourself at home. Your room is just here, so feel free to unpack and just really settle in. You still must be not used to these Australian summers, I suppose!"

You smiled at her kindness.

"No, they're completely different to what I'm used to back home in England. It's insanely hot! The thought of going in the pool on Christmas Eve is bizarre to me!"

Ashton's mum laughed and left you to carry on prepping for the Christmas dinner tomorrow.

Once she was out of sight, Ashton rugby tackled you onto the bed from behind.

"ASHTON! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DONG THAT TICKLES!" You laughed, pushing him playfully.

"I'm too hot. Come in the pool with me Luce. Pleeeassseee??"

You turned around to see him batting his stupidly long eyelashes and pouting like a child.

"Fine." You sighed. "But only because I love you."

You spent the rest of Christmas Eve swimming with Ashton until it started to cool down and you went for a shower.

As you walked across the landing wearing nothing but a towel, Ashton wrapped his arms round your waist and buried his face in your damp, blonde hair.

"I can't wait till Christmas Lucy. You have an amazing present."

You turned around to face him before whispering, "I already have everything I need. And that's you." You grinned, pecking him on the lips. "Night babe"
You made your way to your room, where you fell asleep almost instantly.

--Christmas morning--

It was 7am when you rubbed your eyes to see Harry, Ashton's brother, bouncing on your bed.


"Woah, morning Harry! Happy Christmas. I'll get up in one minute."


You heard Ashton yell from his bedroom.

"Harry!! Leave Lucy alone. She can get up when she wants."

Sadly, Harry slunk out of your room and you got out of bed, simply out of guilt.

Within minutes you were downstairs and all the family were opening presents, smiling and laughing. You felt like one of them and as you opened your presents, you could feel Ashton's loving eyes on you.

You may have only known Ashton for less than a year, but you knew he was the one.

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