No.32- Luke

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Got them late night Luke feels so here we go -

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You opened your eyes and immediately you saw rays of winter sunlight stream through the curtains.

You rolled over and came face to face with your husband Luke. He was already awake and looking at you and smiling.

"Morning beautiful" he murmured. "How are my girls?" He ran his hands over your pregnant stomach.

"Ok, she hasn't kicked yet, which is nice. The doctor said it could be anything from a week ago to a month away when she first kicks."

"I want to feel her kick!" Luke whined. "My girl..."

You smiled at him before suddenly sitting bolt upright, in a great deal of pain.

"What is it babe!?" Luke asked worriedly, sitting up and grabbing your hand.

"Nothing." You breathed. "It was just a short stab of something. I don't know what it was. Probably just indigestion."

"Was it her?" Luke asked eagerly.

"I don't know..." you sighed, lying back down as Luke ran his hands over your swollen stomach, relieving the pain slightly.

You felt another sharp burst of pain in your lower stomach and Luke obviously felt it too as he looked at you, wide eyed.

"It was her!!" Luke shouted. "I swear it! She kicked!!"

Luke looked at you with the most startled expression on his face.

"It's happening!" He whispered.

You brought your lips to his and kissed him softly, but he kissed you back, harder, and the kiss became more passionate.

After a minute, Luke pulled away, looking directly into your eyes with his electric blue ones. They were still as beautiful as the day you first met him.

"I love you, Luke..." you whispered to Luke.

"I love you too y/n" Luke replied. "And I love you, little baby," he said to your stomach. "She needs a name. What do you say we stay inside all day, in bed, thinking of baby names?? My precious little girl needs a name..."

You couldn't help but grin. Luke was determined to be as hands-on a dad as he could possible, and he wanted to be there for the whole thing, like he promised you on your wedding day.

"Sure." You mumbled. "Get something to write on, this might take a long time..."

Luke grabbed his notepad he kept next to his bed and started writing down names.

After he had written a list , he handed it to you and you read through them, horrified.

"No. No. No. No. No. NO LUKE OH MY-. no. No. No. Yes."

Right at the bottom of the list, you saw "Victoria" written in his distinct handwriting.

"Victoria Hemmings... Sounds pretty good! Does that name make our shortlist?" Luke asked, beaming at you.

"No." You replied, and noticing the sadness in his face, quickly carried on " there's no need for a shortlist. Victoria is perfect."

"In that case..." Luke said. "I love you y/n. and I love you too Victoria Hemmings."

Your eyes filled with tears at the realisation that your child now had a name.

"We love you too, Luke." You smiled, connecting your lips once more.

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