No.41- Calum

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Part Two for natnat111 :)

You skipped back to the front lounge with the biggest smile on your face.

"Guess who's got a thing with Cal??" You beamed. You'd made Calum happy and scored yourself an amazing date too.

"Way to go Nat!" Ashton cheered. "You might, uuh, wanna go get dressed before you go out though, ya feel?"

You looked down, remembering that you were still basically in your underwear.

"Be right back lads!" You sang, skipping out the bus.

-- -- -- -- -- --

You came back about half an hour later, wearing your All Time Low tour shirt, black skinny jeans and white converse. You'd applied minimal makeup and straightened your black hair so it framed your face perfectly.

Calum bit his lip again and you smiled at him.

"Hey, lover." You teased, giving him a tight hug.

"Hey. You look great." He replied, hugging you back.

"I could say the same to you. Can we do something now!? Please?!"

"Coffee?" Calum suggested, "just me and you."

All the other boys wolf whistled and applauded again. they seemed to find it hilarious.

"I'm down!" you told him. "Let's go!!"

The two of you walked into town, holding hands and making small talk.

When you arrived at your favourite little coffee shop this side of town, Calum held the door open for you and you took your usual seat by the window. Since there was normally the other three guys here with you, there was a lot of space but you and Calum didn't use any of it. You sat closely together, talking, laughing and sipping coffees all morning.

"Hey, Cal?" You asked as you got up to leave again.

"Mhmm?" Calum replied, drinking the rest of his coffee as he stood up too.

"Did you really call me that super cute girl of youtube? The other boys said you did."

Calum flushed the deepest shade of red you'd ever seen.

"They, they told you?" He squeaked.

"Yup." You giggled. "But don't worry. I think you're super cute too."

With that, you looped your arms round his neck and stood up on tiptoes, kissing him quickly on the lips.

He smiled and pulled you in again for an even deeper kiss. You got many disapproving looks from other customers but you didn't care. You honestly felt like Calum was the guy of your dreams.

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