No.69- Michael

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For Emily

"Drink. Driving. On our anniversary!?" You practically screamed at your husband Michael. He'd come home, two hours late, for your anniversary meal with luckily nothing more than a score on his license but you were furious.

"Babe. I can explain!!" He protested, standing up from the sofa but you pushed him back down. He slouched in the sofa with his head in one hand.

" This isn't the first time you've been caught drink driving, Michael. I don't even want to think how many times there's actually been... you know what!? Forget it. At the same time, forget this whole relationship. I guess the past seven years don't mean anything to you. Not if you'll just throw it all away like that. You know what else? fuck you. Fuck us. Fuck this house, fuck this marriage, fuck our CHILDREN. Get out." You spat at him

You still loved Michael and you would until the day you died, but you couldn't stand seeing him get hurt. You needed to let him go before he had an influence on your two young children. The anger you were portraying was really just a shield for the extreme grief at letting the man of your dreams go.

"Please. Don't do this to me Emily. I can't live without you. You know I can't. You're my everything, and although it might not look like it right now, you mean the world to me. So do our beautiful children, they're a part of me."

You didn't even know what to say. You'd been putting on a brave and angry face for what felt like eternity but seeing Michael on the verge of tears proved to be too much. A solitary tear rolled down your face as you looked at him with a broken expression.

"Hey, hey..." Michael murmured as he took you in his arms and held you tight. You felt too exhausted to fight back, so you let him rock you gently.

After a few minutes, Michael pulled away from the hug, slightly red eyed.

"One more chance. That's all I ask."

"One more." You reiterated. "Then you're out."

"Thank you. I really, really love you." He promised, putting his arms around your waist.

"I love you too Michael." You whispered, closing the space between you and hugging him tightly.

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