No.78- Luke

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For Julz

You were finishing your last song on stage, and the crowd were going crazy.

It was the final night of tour and the 5SOS boys, who you and your band were supporting, had told you to prepare for a little something. You were used to their usual pranks, but you had a feeling that somehow this would be different.

You started to sing the last verse of the song when the crowd let out an extra loud scream. Without even looking behind you, you knew the 5SOS boys had run on stage.

You carried on singing when you felt a presence, literally 2cm behind you. You spun round and came face to face with Luke. Of course, you had a huge crush on Luke and became self conscious of your sweaty stage hair, but he didn't seem to care at all. He belted out your lyrics into the microphone, louder than you managed to even! He was laughing, smiling and looking at you the whole way through the song.

As you played the final chord, Michael, Calum and Ashton, who were still mucking around with your band mates, walked forwards to the front of the stage. Luke was still standing next to you at the microphone but he also walked forwards. The crowd didn't stop screaming until the boys managed to hush them to a slightly quieter audience.

"Now!" Ashton shouted through the microphone he'd stolen off your bassist. "This is our last night on tour with these beautiful people so it only seemed right that we come and congratulate them! they've basically grown up in these past six months. We couldn't be more proud!"

"So obviously," Michael continued, "it seems right that we give them a little going away present! right?"

You and your band stood, confused and simply watched as the boys talked. You hadn't rehearsed this! you had no idea what was going on!?

"So, uhh, Lucas here." Calum started to talk, gesturing towards Luke. "He's, he's been keeping something a secret for all this time. And he's finally decided to do something about it."

"PEER PRESSURE" Michael added down the microphone and you and the rest of the crowd laughed hysterically.

"Take it away Luke!" Ashton called to him, patting him on the back. He started to walk over to your microphone stand, and you still couldn't figure out why!

"Uh, hey?" Luke tried, speaking into the microphone but looking at you. "I know, I know a lot of these guys ship us, and for a while I thought that would be completely impossible. But now I've got to know you and i can't even go a day without thinking of you. So, please, Julz. Will you be my girlfriend?"

You clasped your hand over your mouth.

"Of course!" you grinned, pulling him into a tight hug. This was the happiest you'd been on tour, and as you left the stage for the last time, the smile on your face was huge.

That night, the boys played their final set, and they thanked the crowd and played like their lives depended on it. However, throughout the whole show, Luke didn't stop looking at you and you were suddenly reminded. He was yours.



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