No.91- Luke

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For Chelsea.

"Hey guys!" you held the camera above your head as you walked around your house. "So today i'm going out and I decided i'd vlog this day!"

You preceded to tell your 750,000 YouTube viewers more about your outfit and hair. You were a beauty/fashion guru on YouTube and you were now incredibly successful. The support you got from fans was amazing.

"Sooo..." you continued. "I know you like having my boyfriend in these vlogs so I'm going to go pick him up and we're going to head into town! see you later!"

You stopped filming and jumped into you car, driving to your boyfriend Luke's apartment block and taking your camera with you up to door.

You knocked and announced it was you. You then waited for the reply, filming the plain wooden door as you heard various crashing from the inside.

"I'm naked!!" you heard Luke yell. "But come in!!"

You turned the camera on yourself and pulled a confused face, giggling to yourself.

"Well." You concluded. "I think I'm not going to film this. I might scare a few of you younger viewers. We'll see what happens." You laughed and turned off the camera before opening the unlocked apartment door.

"Hey babe!" you yelled, walking into his flat and throwing yourself on the couch as if it was your own home. "We're going into town today, remember?"

"I know, I know!" he yelled from the bedroom. "I kinda forgot to wake up! One minute!"

You laughed again and flicked on the TV. You found his How I Met Your Mother DVD still inside the DVD player and made a mental note to judge him for it later.

A few minutes of scrolling through twitter passed until Luke stumbled through from his bedroom with a toothbrush in his mouth and his hair a mess. He only seemed to be wearing jeans, not that you minded.

You stood up and walked over to him, putting your arms around his shoulders and looking down at his toned stomach.

"Not that I'm complaining or anything, but you kind of need to put a shirt on before you go out, love." You murmured, kissing his nose quickly as he sighed and walked back to the bedroom.

After what seemed like forever, Luke was finally ready. he volunteered to drive so you could do more vlogging. The fact he was so supportive of your job made you so happy.

"Hello again!" you smiled into the camera, looking over at Luke who was focusing on the road. "I'm here with Lucas, eventually. He's been running round his apartment for ages because he forgot to wake up."

"It's not my fault I'm a teenage boy!" Luke protested, throwing his hands up in self defence.

"Whatever." You laughed, turning off the camera again.


A full and busy day had passed and you and Luke had had the best time doing practically nothing. You literally wondered around the streets going to into random shops when you felt like it and taking random clips of little things you did.

It was 11pm and you were cuddled up with Luke on his sofa, editing your video when you heard him snore next to you.

Not wanting to waste a perfect opportunity, you quickly grabbed your phone and started to film him sleeping.

Laughing hysterically, you edited that final clip into your video and uploaded it, knowing what a fuss Luke would kick up tomorrow when he found it.

Sure enough, he did find the clip in the video the next morning and punished you harshly with a forfeit of no kisses all day until you promised never to do it again. Your relationship with Luke was perfect and nothing would make you change it. Not even for the world.

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