No.80- Michael

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For Isabella

"You better be fucking grateful when this damn baby is born." You grunt as you lie on the sofa, watching Jeremy Kyle re-runs.

You were eight months pregnant and you literally had no energy. To make matters worse, you had the weirdest cravings and your hormones couldn't have been more messed up.

"Is it really that bad?" Your husband Michael asks from the armchair next to you.

You looked at him, hormonal anger bubbling inside of you.

"Would you like to come back to me on that fucking stupid remark after you've walked round with a ginormous weight hanging off your stomach for eight months, a messed up brain and what feels like a rapidly shrinking bladder? Because yes. It really is that bad." You snapped.

"Bloody hell..." Michael muttered under his breath, not daring to say another word. You were not a force to be reckoned with when you were pregnant, as anyone vaguely close to you had discovered the hard way. No one seemed to get the struggles of carrying around another human being inside of you. So far, Michael had been amazing. He'd held your hand during every scan, held your hair back in every morning sickness episode and reassured you when ever you were scared or down. However, you were getting more irritable and he was getting more tired. You just wanted the baby out and get this over with.

The two of you sat in silence for a bit, watching a toothless tattooed guy figure out that he is the father.

"somebody has to be the unlucky guy..." Michael muttered, glancing over at you again. You immediately felt bad for him, but at the same time, you were probably just hungry.

"Look, babe. I'm sorry I'm being a shitty wife to you. I'll go make you a sandwich to make up for it, just like old times. Ok?"

Michael couldn't protest. You were both so tired at the moment. Who knew becoming parents was so exhausting!?

You returned with two sandwiches about five minutes later. Michael thanked you and took a bite, only to spit it out milliseconds later.

"What the hell is that!?" Michael gagged, scraping his tongue dramatically and reaching for the glass of water beside him as if he was on death's door. .

"Cheese and jam. What's wrong with it!?" You asked innocently, stuffing your face in order to satisfy your cravings.

"God. It is that bad, isn't it?" he laughed.

You simply nodded, giggling and he dragged your enormous frame down onto the couch next to him. It was a struggle to fit both of you on but eventually you found a way to lie that wouldn't stop all circulation flowing round your bodies.

"Just a few more weeks." He promised, leaving tiny kisses in your hair. "Then we'll have a beautiful baby. Our baby. It'll b.e worth it, I promise."

All you could do was nod before you fell asleep in Michael's arms, comforted by his touch and soothed by his voice.

It would be worth it one day. You couldn't wait to share your new life with Michael.

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