No.40- Luke

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-- for tylerminnie :) again, I had to change the plot a little, sorry --

"You look great Tyler" Luke commented as you walked down the stairs where he was waiting for you.

"Thanks. You too." You smiled, pulling him into a hug.

"Now, back by midnight and I want texts every few hours. Ok?? I'm trusting you Luke." Your dad warned, making you cringe.

"Al-right Dad. I'm not 11." You sighed before almost pushing Luke out the door and slamming it.

"Jerk." You laughed, standing on tiptoe to kiss his lips.

Luke laughed and lead you out to his car.

As you took a seat and he started the ignition, he grabbed your hand.

"You look absolutely amazing tonight Tyler. I mean, not that you don't always, but especially tonight. You look really really great."

"You too Lukey. You look great too."

He grinned at you.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked a few minutes later.

"You haven't planned this?" You asked, surprised.

"Nope. Spur of the moment."

You thought for a few seconds.

"Luke, there's a hill. You can drive up and stargaze. It's incredible."

Lukes eyes widen. You knew he was a space nerd at heart. Their trip to NASA was all he talked about for weeks after they went.

"Direct me." He demanded.

-- -- --

Once you arrived on top of the hill, you climbed out the car and sat on the roof, admiring the thousands and million stars.

"Tyler?" Luke spoke, breaking the peaceful silence.


"Count the stars."

"I can't, there's too many, the numbers tok big. Why?"

"That's how many times I could tell you I love you and it still wouldn't do you justice. I love you."

"I love you too," you whispered, full of emotion before softly kissing him, and it felt as if a new constellation of glittering stars had just burst inside of you. You were truly in love.

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