No.101- Luke

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For Kayla

Well this was fun.

You were sitting at home listening to all your favourite bands, drowning your sorrows in chocolate biscuits and cheap beer.

Your boyfriend of three years, Luke, was due home from tour in two months but you missed him too much as it was. You were barely hanging on. You needed him now.

You were interrupted from your miserable thoughts by the doorbell of your flat ringing. You lazily stepped up to open the door but did so to find nothing there but a pizza box.

"Strange..." you thought aloud. "I didn't order pizza."

Shrugging, you picked up the pizza box so it wasn't littering the hallway and brought it inside your flat.

You were about to chuck it in the bin (as it seemed cold and you didn't trust it to not be filled with something harmful, knowing the area you lived in) when you noticed a post-it note suck on the side. You ripped it off and examined the writing scribbled on the side.

" Kay-laah. I bought you a pizza. I ate it. Sorry. If you come to the Pizza Hut down the road I can buy you a new one ;)"

You read and re-read the note, thoroughly confused. Luke always called you Kay-laah when he wanted something, but he was on tour! it couldn't be him!

Curiosity overcame you and you shrugged on your parka jacket, setting off down the stairs, out the apartment building and down the road to Pizza Hut, post-it note clasped firmly in hand.

You arrived at the shabby restaurant to find it practically deserted apart from one figure sitting slouched at a table. As they heard the door open the turned to look at you, standing up and shrugging off their hood as they walked up to you.

"Luke?" you stuttered out, unable to believe that the face in front of you truly was the one of your amazing boyfriend.

"Yup." He grinned. "I'm home from tour early. It's taking me everything not to throw myself into your arms and take you back home."

"Well." You giggled, playing with your hair. "I just can't control myself."

With that, you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him, craving the feeling his lips allowed. He picked you up, still kissing you and carried you out the shabby restaurant, as the one teenage boy standing behind the counter simply stared.

Outside the restaurant, Luke shifted you into his back and ran back to your apartment that was thankfully only a few minutes walk away.

Urgent to get home, Luke ran up to your 3rd floor apartment and fumbled with the key until it was unlocked. He stepped inside and set you down on the cold linoleum floor where you stood, clinging to him and connecting your lips with his again.

The pair of you stumbled towards your shared bedroom door and Luke opened it.

"You know, Kayla." He muttered into your lips. "We should just." He kept kissing you. "Get married. Yeah?" he carried on kissing you but you pushed him off.

"What!?" you almost screamed.

"We should get married." He shrugged, moving in to kiss you again but you put your hands on his chest.

"Of course." You yelled. "Luke I will marry you!"

"Oh. Seriously? I, wow. I, I'm in shock. I love you Kayla. Now, please kiss me again?"

You giggled, tears brimming your eyes at the thought of a new future and kissed Luke as he asked.

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