No.30- Calum

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FOR THE POOHOLE - sophielef11 💩


"Calum I'm so fucking excited!" You beamed as you looked up at your boyfriend from where you were lying in his lap.

It was just after 11pm on Christmas Eve and you and Calum were desperate to stay awake till midnight, so you were watching all the Christmassy movies on Netflix you could find.

You felt your eyes close but no sooner than they did, Calum poked you in the face, waking you up.

"You have to stay awake Soph! I have a really special present I can only give you at midnight! Ok??"

"Calum. I want it now!! You know how impatient I am, and no I can't wait another hour."

"Well you're going to have to." He smirked before kissing you to shut you up.

"You're a dick." You groaned.

"You like my dick." He replied with a cheeky smile.

"CALUM!" You squealed and whacked his arm. You'd been dating Calum for five years and your relationship was mostly built on dirty jokes and play fighting.

You kept checking your phone, eagerly awaiting the time when it would read "00.00, December 25"
Calum had been hinting at a gift he had got you that he wanted to be the first thing you opened but you still couldn't work out what it was and it was driving you insane. There was only half an hour left till Christmas now.

"CALUM! Find the Christmas CDs. We need to jam out right until midnight. It's the only way I'll stay awake."

Calum sprang out from underneath you and found "Now That's What I Call Christmas". He played it full volume and grabbed a string of tinsel, looping it round your neck.

He used it to pull you in close and kissed you once again. The pair of you spent the next half an hour dancing round in your sweatpants and Calum's jumpers to Christmas songs until your alarm on your phone went off.

"CHRISTMAS DAY!!!" You both yelled in unison.

"My present please?" You begged, batting your eyelashes. You closed your eyes and held out your hands, but felt nothing in them.

"Open your eyes." Calum said.

You did as you were told and your mouth dropped.

Calum was in front of you on one knee, holding out a box.

"Sophie. You are the craziest but most beautiful girl I've ever met. Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

You almost screamed. "OF COURSE!! I LOVE YOU!!"

Calum stood up and wrapped his arms round your waist. "I love you too. Merry Christmas Sophie."

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