No.73- Michael

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For Celia (calumredridinghood)

"I do." You said as your new husband, Michael, slipped your beautiful, shimmering ring onto your finger. It glinted in the sunlight streaming through the stain glass windows of the church.

The rest of the ceremony seemed to be a blur. You'd married the man of your dreams and you had your whole life ahead of you. Finally, things were falling into place for you.

There was a beautiful lakeside restaurant nearby the church where you had married Michael and for that reason the reception was held there. It was a beautiful spring day and a cool breeze rustled through the trees.

You had a relatively large wedding reception. Your mum, dad and sister attended as your guests along with a few good friends and other relations and Michael's parents and all the 5SOS boys and their families and girlfriends came as Michael's guests. They all looked absolutely fantastic in their suits.

About halfway through through your delicious meal, your dad stood up and immediately you knew what was coming.

"So, ladies and gentlemen. We're here to celebrate the marriage of my beautiful daughter, Celia. And what good is a wedding without some embarrassing anecdotes and a general speech from the mad old man also known as the father of the bride?"

You laughed and looked over at Michael who was sitting next to you, laughing and watching your dad with a glow in his eye that he only ever had when we was really, really happy.

Your dad told the entire party about ten thousand mortifying stories before he sat down to rapturous applause. Michael looked at you as he did so and laughed whilst you tried to hide your face is shame. Not even Michael knew all of those stories!

Just as you thought the speeches were over, all of the 5SOS boys stood up and began the most beautiful speech you've ever heard.

Luke began.

"Now, traditionally, the brother or sister to the groom would make a speech, but as we know, Michael is an only child. That's why us, his band members, best friends and brothers by heart, have decided to do this speech for him."

Calum continued.

"Michael is the most amazing guy, and we couldn't be happier that he's now married Celia. We all fell in love with her they day that we met her. I can even imagine Michael without her anymore. I think we all knew, from the day Michael introduced her as a dorky 20 year old, we all knew she was the one for him and their love would live on for a long time."

Finally, Ashton concluded the speech.

"What we're trying to say is we love you both so much and we can't wait to see what the future brings. Good luck guys."

You were a crying mess by the time they took their seats again and you looked over at Michael again to see him wipe the corners of his eyes too. Michael Clifford was crying!? that was one for the records...

You grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him into a short yet passionate kiss.

"I love you so much Mikey." You murmured into his lips.

"I love you more Celia." He replied, putting his hand on your thigh where it remained for the rest of the meal.
His hands didn't leave you for the rest of the night, because he still couldn't believe you were finally his.

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