No.44- Luke

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For JustCallMeMsHemmings :)


"Okay Calum?" You asked through your phone, verifying all the details of the surprise you had planned.

You had been together with Luke for a year now, and they'd been away on tour for three months. Calum had called you about two weeks ago in desperation. Luke missed you so much, he was now starting to ignore his other band mates. Apparently he was an emotionless robot unless he was talking about you.

"Ok Zoe." Calum clarified. "We're on stage in like five minutes, just tell a security guard who you are, they'll let you in. I've loosened and damaged a string on Luke's acoustic guitar so he'll have to go get his spare which is backstage. Make sure he doesn't see you. It's vital. As he goes off, you'll come on and we'll silence the crowd. Then, the rest is going to be amazing! Can't wait to see you."

You could hear Calum smile down the phone, and that made you smile too.

"Sure thing. Good luck on stage! You'll be amazing. Obviously."

"Whatever." Calum laughed. "See you in about half an hour then." He concluded before hanging up.


You now knew what you had to do. You sneaked round the back of the venue, and showing security a note from Calum, they escorted you to where you could hide backstage. They suddenly hid you as Luke ran past, and you wanted to do nothing more but jump out at him and surprise him now, but you held back.

You waited for half an hour backstage as the boy started their performance. They were absolutely fabulous, and you could tell they were having the time of their lives.

You were woken from your daydream by Michael yelling "this is our next song, and it's called Wherever You Are!"

The crowd went mental and Luke and Michael both reached for their acoustics. You saw Luke's face as he saw the broken string and you could see all the other boys staring directly at him, waiting.

"Uh, guys!?" Luke spoke into the microphone. "I uh, I think I broke my guitar. I'll be back in one second flat. Ok?"

He dashed off stage, yelling for someone to bring him his spare guitar.

You seized you chance and sprinted out from your hiding place onto stage. You felt all the cameras turn your way an there was suddenly thousands of screams.

You put your fingers to your lips and waved your hands to signal the crowd to be quiet.

Thankfully, they must have got your drift and they stopped screaming and instead watch Calum and Michael and Ashton goof around on stage as you picked up Luke's electric guitar, starting the only riff you knew. You played gently and only looked up when your heard another massive scream from the crowd.

Luke had walked partially on stage and was looking at you in disbelief.

You grinned at him and took the strap of his guitar from around your neck. He put down his guitar and sprinted up to you.

He was able to pick you up, seeing as you were pretty short compared to him. He buried his head in the crook of your neck and you kissed his hair.

As he let you down, he whispered in your ear, forgetting he still had his mic on.

"I missed you so much Zo, I love you so, so, so fucking much."

He froze and looked up as he heard his voice echoing around the hall ad the whole crowed "awwed". You'd got past the hate and now most of them shipped you and Luke, which made you happy.

Luke bent down and kissed you for the first time in three months and sparks erupted inside of you like the camera flashes of the audience.

You spent the rest of the show standing backstage, Luke looking at you every five seconds, unable to believe the love of his life wasn't apart from him any longer.

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