No.57- Luke

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For Stephanie 😜

"Pass the popcorn." Luke ordered in a monotone without even taking his eyes off the TV.

"Pass yourself the goddamn popcorn." You replied in a similar fashion.


You and your boyfriend Luke were having a day at home to celebrate him coming home from tour. As he was jet lagged and exhausted, the pair of you definitely took the expression 'lazy day' to the next level.
Luke slept at yours last night, meaning you'd been in front of the TV from 9am until now, and as you checked the time, you realised it was 10pm. Oops.



"I love you. Please don't ever leave me for that much time again. It was so horrible living on my own for months. Like I had no one to watch Disney movies with for SIX MONTHS."

You faked a sob as Luke pulled you close, laughing quietly.

"I'll take you with me next time yeah? Me, you and the boys against the world."

You looked up at him.

"Really? But what will management say? Or the fans?"

"It doesn't matter what they say. As long as I can have you."

He placed his lips to yours and kissed you passionately. As he pulled away you suddenly felt very tired and you let out a small yawn.

"Sing to me?" You asked, lying down to rest your head on Luke's chest and listen to his heartbeat.

Luke sighed. "Because I love you, then okay."

He took a breath and started to sing, almost in a whisper, as he played with your hair.

"Hey we're taking on the world, I'll take you where you wanna go. Pick you up if you fall to pieces, let me be the one to save you..."

It only took a few seconds for you to be snoring softly into Luke's chest; oblivious to the world yet thankful to have him. You were the luckiest girl in the world.

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