No.36- Luke

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For marilouz 💕

"Dad? This sounds weird, but how did you and mum meet??"

Your 13 year old daughter was sitting with you and your husband Luke one Saturday night as you flicked through photo albums from 2013 when you first met. You and Luke had been together for 20 years, and your love was still as strong.

Luke sighed dramatically and pushed the photo album away from him.

"Well!" He began. "There was a small music shop in Sydney that only musicians went to, me being one of them. It was down a dark alley and the entire place reeked of cigarettes. I absolutely loved it in there, it was like my second home.
One day, I came in to see a girl at the desk. She looked about 16 and she was stunning. She was obviously a new worker at the shop and after a few weeks of staring at her behind a massive pile of CDs, I plucked up the courage to ask her name. Her name was..."

"Mum??" Your daughter guessed.

"Precisely." You replied, smiling at the memory.

"So anyway, we talked for a bit and I got her number, and soon we were on our first date. Oh god, that first date..."

You and Luke exchanged a glance and he burst out laughing.

You decided to continue the story.

"So Luke took me out to the beach, which was amazing. We went for a walk, holding hands when we decided to walk along where the waves were breaking. Clever Luke tried to show off by wave jumping and fell face forward into the sea. I couldn't stop laughing, so much so that I fell in after him. We were both absolutely frozen afterwards. It was terrible. But great."

Luke snaked his arm round your shoulder and your daughter face palmed at how embarrassing her dad was.

"It must have got better than that though?" Your daughter asked, bracing herself for more cringe-worthy dates.

"Yeah!" Luke laughed. "Within a year, mum was on tour with us and within six years we were married. Then you came along. You brought us closer, and we've been this close ever since."

Luke kissed you softly on the lips and you placed a hand on his cheek, kissing him back.

"OK! MUM, DAD. STILL HERE." Your daughter exclaimed, covering her eyes.

The two of you laughed and kissed again, sending your daughter into even more embarrassment.



Wow. Started this book in September I think. Now I have 7.4k. I thought I'd have about 100 so thank you so much, you're fab.

Have a great new year!!

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