Calum - part 2

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I wasn't going to write this tonight but I realised I have exceeded my goal of 4k and 70 votes because I have 4.04k and 75 votes so thank you all ily.
Little disclaimer thing - posting a lot now to make up for the fact Christmas is coming up and after Christmas I have to revise for exams that will go on until mid- January. So sorry please don't unfollow I'll update whenever I can xx

Anyway, part 2 of Calum's on my chapter "Preference No.6"

Please vote etc :)

Also, this was really hard to right so it's not my best,
Editing later.

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You woke up on the sofa, your neck absolutely killing you.

You slowly pulled yourself up and walked through to the kitchen, where you saw Calum, head in hands, seated at the breakfast bar.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed, standing up as he saw you. "I need to apologise, I'm so sorry baby."

Calum reached out to grab your hands but you pushed them away.

You could remember as clear as glass what happened last night and you needed to come clean about it.

"Calum. I don't know what Luke has told you, but I need to tell you myself. Last night, I invited Luke round for a bit of company because I missed you. He got me hammer drunk and we ended up making out on the sofa. It was the worst decision of my life, I regret every second. I'm sorry sweetie."

Calum looked at you, his deep brown eyes filled with pain and disbelief.

"You made out with my best friend? How could you?"

"Baby. He got me drunk. And I know that's no excuse, but I'm sorry. I really, really am. I could never love anyone more than I love you an y/daughters/n. but I guess things are going to change, huh?"

Calum just shook his head, still unable to believe what he was hearing.
"We've been together for seven years, but I leave you alone for one night and you get it on with my band mate!? What's this relationship even made of, y/n. I don't even know anymore. I love y/d/n with all my heart, and I thought I loved you like that. But you're willing to throw away a relationship after one fall out?"

You knew where this was going and you hung your head, partially in shame and partially to hide the tears that were freely sliding down your face.

Calum sounded a little choked up as he finished what he was saying.

"I need some space. For a few days, maybe weeks. I just need to clear my head and find it in my heart to forgive you. Tell y/d/n that daddy loves her and he'll be home soon, ok?? Goodbye y/n."

He pushed past you, out of the kitchen to your bedroom. You heard him shove a few things into a bag, and a few seconds later you heard the door slam.

You'd basically destroyed your marriage and friendship with three of the best guys ever over one stupid kiss. You'd taken advantage of life for the last few years and now, Life was really turning against you.

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