No.64- Luke

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For TylerMinnie

"From : Luke
Babe, I'm so sorry I wasn't at school. meet me in the park by the pond at 7 and I'll explain everything then, please? I love you xxxxx"

You sighed as you checked your phone. Your boyfriend of eight months, Luke, had been ignoring you recently and it hurt you as you really loved him, but you were becoming less sure that he actually loved you.

It was your birthday and you'd heard nothing from him all day. He wasn't even at school?! Did he even remember it was your birthday?

You decided to go to the park and give him one chance, but if he was still vacant and rude then you didn't even know what you'd do.

You brushed your blonde hair out its ponytail, changed out of your school clothes and walked into the park to meet Luke.

You wandered around for a while until You saw the silhouette of a small picnic rug, filled with all sort of food and then, as you walked closer, you saw Luke sat on the rug, looking perfect as usual.
"No Tyler, don't think that, he's ignored you, remember?" You mentally cursed yourself.

You walked up to him and he stood up without talking and put a blindfold over your eyes. You were taken completely by surprise; what was he doing!?

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE APOLOGISING WHAT THE FUCK LUKE" you screamed. He didn't say anything but you then felt something cold slip over your hand onto your wrist. He took your blindfold off to reveal the most gorgeous charm bracelet on your wrist you'd ever seen. it must've cost him a fortune! Luke spun you round and put his arms around your waist before he started to talk.

"Happy Birthday Tyler, I love you so much. I'm so sorry I've been ignoring you, I've been worried sick you wouldn't like this surprise and present. It's completely taken over my brain, trying to get the right charms and food and stuff, so I hope you do." He said nervously.

"Oh my god Luke this is the best birthday present ever! It's amazing! thank you so much" you replied, completely overcome by emotions.

He then pressed his lips to yours and you kissed him in the fading light. Being with Luke was enough to make you forget all your worries, and how you could have been angry at him now seemed to be a question that had no answer.


So this wasn't written by the usual author, but a different person. It was written by my best friend Sophie and she's going to be helping me out and it's all going to be great so hopefully your requests won't take so long now.

Anyway, Sophie's cool.


PS - she looks so perfect artwork. I'm done!

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