No.65- Ashton

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For Kiara

"You're, you're sure about this?" Your best friend Ashton asked you as he held you tightly and rocked you.

"YES!" You bawled uncontrollably. "It's all my fault!!" You then broke into a fresh fit of tears that didn't stop falling.

"Don't ever say that Kiara. You can't blame yourself for this. It happens, okay? you're not the only one this has or will happen to."

You'd just been for an ultrasound scan to be given the life-destroying news you'd had a miscarriage. You were 19, single since your pregnancy and probably not even ready for a child but the fact that another human being had died inside you made you feel like the most worthless person in the world.

Your best friend, Ashton, had promised you that he would be there for you throughout your entire ordeal, unlike your boyfriend, his family or even your own family.

"I don't even know what to do anymore. I can't go back to my family but I won't get benefits for the flat now I've lost the baby. I'm homeless Ash!" You continued to cry your eyes out onto his shoulder as he attempted to keep on a brave face.

Ashton didn't speak for a while - he just let you cry until eventually he broke the silence. He pulled away from the hug you were in and titled your chin up with his finger so your eyes met with his. he pushed back your curtain of dark hair from your face to reveal your chocolate brown eyes which were wet with tears.

"Kiara? Would you like to live with me? I could keep you in my spare bedroom, and I don't even want to leave your side right now. Not in the state you're in."

You eventually managed to stop crying. "Really Ashton? You'd do that for me?"

"Of course. Anything for my favourite girl in the world. We're best friends, and, and I love you. But I think I love you in a way that's more than just friendly, if I'm making sense."

You were shocked. Since you'd met Ashton, he'd always been the one you were in love with. You had loved your boyfriend and the one before him but you were actually in love with Ashton. There was a difference.

"I think I'm in love with you Ashton." You stuttered, relieved to get your feelings out.

He leant over and kissed you, almost impulsively. Feelings rushed around your head and you didn't know what to think but you kissed him back.

Despite going through the worst time in your life, you had Ashton and you knew you would be okay.

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