Preference No.5

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It had been a long day at the hospice where you worked. Recently you'd realised how lucky you were to be married and have a steady home and loving family, so you decided to take up volunteering.

It was obviously a very sad job, and you often didn't finish until late. This particular instance, one woman didn't want you to leave until 3am, which is when she fell asleep. She was your best friend at the hospice and it was upsetting to see her condition worsen.

You shook all of your sadness from your mind and unlocked the front door to your apartment quietly, not wanting to wake up Calum.

As soon as you stepped inside, you heard a shouting coming from your bedroom. You felt worried. Was Calum ok??!?

You tiptoed to the room and looked round the corner of the door. Calum was lying in bed, shirtless, punching the bed and yelling incoherent words.

"Babe?" You whispered, running to sit on the bed next to him. He was now whimpering, almost like a little child.

At the sound of your voice, he turned over and started to snore, and you realised he had been sleep talking he entire time. You laughed quietly and ran your fingers through his hair.

You slipped off your uniform and got into you pyjamas, brushed your teeth and took off your makeup before crawling into bed, kissing Calum on the forehead and falling asleep instantly.


"Babe? I'm going to bed. You just carry on watching the film ok? Love you, night!"

Your boyfriend of seven months, Ashton, kissed you before making his way upstairs. You were staying the week at his after a flood at your flat left you basically homeless and he had let you watch Pitch Perfect. Again.

You smiled to yourself and watched the remainder of the film, with Ashton's dog sitting on your lap.

After an hour, the film was finished and you made your way to Ashton's bedroom. As you stood outside the door, you heard Ashton's voice.

"No. No I don't care about y/n. I just want you! y/best friends/n. really."

your eyes filled with tears and you flung open the door. You found Ashton lying in his bed, asleep, with his phone in his hand. Sure, he was asleep and probably dreaming, but out of curiosity, you looked at what was on his phone screen. The messages almost made you want to be sick.

There was a whole long stream of messages between Ashton and your best friend, most friendly, about three were absolutely puke-worthy. The oldest were three months old!? The worst were flirty, sexual and down right disgusting.

Tears started to pour down your face as you realised your relationship with Ashton was completely built on lies. Your entire day, week, month, relationship, had all been ruined.

You found a piece of paper on the floor and scribbled a note before gathering up all your belongings and storming out the door into the cold.

The note read :

"Ashton. Why didn't you just tell me you were bored of me!? Don't try and call me. There's nothing you can do. We're over. Talking about y/b/f/n in your sleep. Texting her more than you text me. I hate you and I can't believe you'd do that to me! Go fuck yourself, and you can go fuck y/b/f/n whilst your at it."

You stormed out and that was the last you ever wanted to see of Ashton Irwin.


You were a youtuber who also happened to be in a relationship with no one other but Luke Hemmings. The fans absolutely loved your relationship and so you decided to vlog your day together.

The whole day went amazingly; you went to McDonalds, you saw Catching Fire again, you went to town and now the two of you were absolutely exhausted.

As you were sitting, cuddled up with Luke on the couch watching Big Brother, you turned on your camera again and started to talk.

"Hello again, a couple hours have passed since I filmed but basically me and Luke are watching Big Brother re-runs and we plan on doing that for the next ten or so years. Isn't that right Luke?"

You turned the camera on Luke and he groaned and shoved a pillow over his face.

"I look awful y/n! Turn it off!"

You laughed and kissed him, turning off your camera in the process.


A few more hours passed and the two of you got increasingly sleepy. It wasn't long before Luke was asleep, snoring on your shoulder.

You decided to turn on the camera and take advantage of him now.

"Hey guys!" You whispered, looking at Luke. "Now Luke's fallen asleep so sshh!" You giggled and kissed his cheek, and he started to mutter.

"Get off me y/n. but I love you. But get off."

You realised he was sleep talking and you pulled a confused face at the camera and had to suppress your loud laughter. After he'd finished talking, you turned off the camera and snuggled into his chest. You were going to treasure that video clip forever.


You were an australian actress and you were on your way to LA to do some filming as well as some modelling.

Your management had paid for first class seats and you took your seat next to a guy who had white hair with a prominent black streak down the middle.

You subtly took a photo and tweeted it.

"@Y/T/N : cool hair dude."

Suddenly your phone exploded with notifications.

"@Y/T/N THAT'S MICHAEL!!!!!1!"




You pulled a confused face. Who was Michael? What is shipping?!

You tweeted

"@Y/T/N guys who is Michael and what is shipping? Help. #confused"

Your plane set off and you had to turn off the wifi, but when you were in the air you connected to the plane wifi and carried on your twitter search.

The notifications were still pouring in.


"@YTN if we ship you it means we want you to be together xx"


You raised an eyebrow and turned in your seat to make sure he could see your Pokémon phone case. You looked up to realise he was already staring at you.

"You've been tweeting about me?" He asks, smirking as you flush bright red.

"Uuh, kind of I guess?! I'm y/n by the way, you must be Michael."

"I know who you are, of course. I'm actually a massive fan. I was too awkward to say anything when you first sat down."

You blushed an even deeper shade of red.

"I like your phone case." He added.

You smiled. "Have you tried Pokémon X?! It's literally the best thing ever!!"

You shut yourself up as you realised how dorky you sounded, but he had an equal response.

You ended up playing Pokemon with Michael for six hours. The other boys tweeted it and the fans went mental over it.

Just before you decided to tell Michael you were going to sleep, you looked up to find him reclined in his seat, with his DS over his face. No wonder he hadn't been moving for the past ten minutes!?

You quickly took a photo.

"@YTN: I feel like a stalker. @Michael5SOS has just fallen asleep during an intense match of Pokémon. I am offended."

After a few minutes, you heard Michael speak and you thought he'd woken up. You pulled out your headphones to see that he was in fact sleep talking.

"Go Camerupt!" He yelled and you laughed impossibly loudly, despite the fact most people on the plane were asleep.

You sent out another tweet.

"@YTN: in his dreams, @michael5sos is a pokemon trainer. He's yelling instructions in his sleep. Help!"

After he woke up, you told him and he absolutely died of embarrassment.

After the flight, he gave you a hug and slipped you his number, with the note
"call me? :) x" underneath.

You were so gonna call him.

A/N Michael's was really long. Oops.

Anyway, I'm trying to get 60 votes and 4K reads by Christmas, so feel free to share or whatever. I'll be doing some shoutouts in the next imagine I think :)

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