No.85- Ashton

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For Cherish 🙊

"You know Ashton, I'm done with this!" you screamed. "This is the second time in four months I've caught you with that girl from work when it's 'not what it looks like'. If you love her so much then go and be with her. Throw away the last six years of your life. Whatever. See if I care. Just get out."

"Cherish. Babe..."

"Save it!!" you yelled. "Get out of my house!"

You shoved him out the front door and slammed it behind him before sliding down the wall and breaking out into a fit of violent sobbing. Ashton was your boyfriend and you loved him to pieces. You were in love with him and you couldn't deny it.

Maybe it was days, maybe it was weeks that passed without Ashton. Maybe even months. You didn't know. All you did know was you missed him more and more every day and comfort eating and getting drunk didn't hold you in the same way he used to. It was hard to carry on without him.

Around three months passed altogether and you had heard nothing from Ashton. You were empty inside. You carried on life as normal but you never talked to anyone anymore and you were never truly happy.

One night, that all changed.

You were going through the usual 10pm routine, also known as sitting in your pyjamas watching Netflix Instant when there was a knock at the door. You traipsed downstairs and opened it to find no one there, only a scrap of paper at your feet.

You picked it up and saw that it said

"This is the real me."

Perplexed, you turned it over and found a photo of you and Ashton on your first date.

Seriously? someone had decided to prank you and remind you of Ashton right when you needed it least. Determined to find the person who did this, you stepped out into the cool summer air.

Looking around, all you saw was more and more pieces of paper scattered over your lawn in a small trail.

Checking behind you to make sure no one was watching, you picked up all the pieces of paper. They all had photos on them of you and Ashton throughout your relationship. There were anniversary photos, holiday photos, couple selfies, fan photos, awful snapchats. You name it, they were there. And they were beautiful. As you reached the end of the trail, you looked up to find yourself in your own back garden, face to face with none other than Ashton Irwin.

It was him! he played you like this! this was his idea.

"Get away from me." You hissed, tears forming in your eyes.

"Cherish. Listen to me." He pleaded.

"I'm either staying or I'm calling the cops. You have one minute to convince me." You mumbled, holding the photos tight but crossing your arms so he wouldn't see.

"I hope you realise what these past moths have been like for me. I've barely eaten, slept or left the house. I've been unable to show any emotion because I'm basically a jigsaw. And I'm missing the most important part. My heart. Do you not get it Cherish? you're my heart and the reason I wake up every morning to do what I do. You're my reason to be. All I've been capable of doing is throwing myself into the band because music is my outlet of pain. I'm a wreck and I don't think I can carry on alone anymore. That's why I have something to ask you. Will you marry me?"

With that, he got on one knee and presented you with a beautiful ring. Tears began to stream down your face as you realised just how much you had missed him and how much you weren't the same without him.

"Yes. Yes I will marry you!" you cried, taking his hand and pulling him up to a standing position. "Just don't leave me ever again." You muttered into his chest as you held him tightly and he rocked you.

You never wanted to let go.

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