No.92- Luke

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For suzbinavi (I don't have your name so i'm going to have to do this one as anon. Sorry!)

"Daddy has to go to work sweetie!" your husband Luke said for the thousandth time as he prized your three year old daughter from his leg.

"No Daddy!" she replied, sitting on his foot and pouting. "Stay home with me and Mummy and play with us like you said you would!"

"Look, y/d/n. I'll play with you later. Just let me go, please? daddy needs to go and make money!" Luke kept sighing and dragging his fingers through his hair. All you could do was watch from the next room and hope he didn't lose his temper.

"But daddy! that's not fair! You're a liar!!" she yelled, stomping up and down and dragging on his hand to stop him from leaving.

You could almost see the annoyance rising in Luke's face and just as you ran to stop him, he finally lost it.


With that, he stormed out the house, slamming the door fiercely behind him.

You looked over at your stunned daughter as she slowly started to cry.

"Sweetie, don't cry!" you cooed, running over to pick her up and hold her. "Daddy didn't mean to get cross, he's just very tired and very busy at the moment so you have to be extra nice to him, okay?"

She simply sniffed in agreement.

"But, he said that he'd play with me today, and now he won't!" she wailed, burying her face in your neck.

"Didn't you hear what he said?" You asked her, rocking her softly. "He said he'd play with you all evening if he gets his work done, okay? he will. I promise."

She snivelled again and ended up blowing her nose on your jumper, before jumping down from your hug to go and play by herself with her dolls house, leaving you to go and get a new shirt...


It was dark outside by the time Luke was home. Your daughter was watching Keeping up With the Kardashians with you when your husband walked through the door.

"Hey!" you greeted him, partially coldly as he had yet to apologise for being unkind to his daughter.

Luke didn't reply, instead, he walked over to your daughter on the couch and knelt down so he was at her level. He then started to talk to her.

"Hey, y/d/n. I'm sorry I shouted at you. It was a really silly thing to do and I hope you forgive me. I bought you a little present to say sorry."

At that, he pulled out a purple bag and handed it to her.

"Aren't you going to open it?" he asked, smiling.

Her chubby hands set to work on the paper until it was open to reveal the necklace that she had been admiring for weeks. It only cost £4 from Primark but to her it was the world.

She immediately hugged Luke and thanked him one hundred times over, before he put it on her.

"And what's my apology present, seeing as I had to deal with a whiny three year old for all of today?" You smirked from the other side of the room.

"Well that..." he mumbled, standing up to walk to the couch you were sitting on and taking a seat right up close to you. "That's something I can give you when we've put the little one to bed. Understand?"

You nodded and gulped. Maybe luke getting angry once in a whole wasn't too bad..

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