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for @flowerhemmo 😊

You were sitting at work, sorting through a load of flies that you previously had no idea existed when the phone rang.

You picked it up and put on your fake-secretary voice.

"Hello. Free Street Hotel, Joyce speaking, how may I help you?"

"You need to come outside. Get all your things and come outside."

The person on the other line them hung up, leaving you confused and slightly scared.

You ran to your manager and told her you were feeling really nauseous and you would be back when you felt better. She nodded, not even looking up from the magazine she was reading. This hotel was truly shit.

You grabbed your handbag and motorbike helmet from under your desk and rushed out to the front entrance.

Look who it was. Standing in the rain that had been falling all day, Luke was leaning against your motorbike, smirking.

"LUKE!" You almost screamed, running up to him and throwing your arms around his neck.

"Hey babe.." He murmured into your hair as he slowly kissed the top of your head.

"How did you, you're not supposed to be home for another two months. How did you manage to.."

Luke placed a finger to your lips

"I'll tell you later. But for now, can we go home, I'm soaked!!"

You smiled and nodded. Luke pulled up a spare motorbike helmet from nowhere and with your permission, sat on the front seat of the bike. You never knew he could drive!

He started the engine and you drove off,clinging round his waist as if you never wanted to let go.

As soon as you arrived at Luke's front door, you both took of your helmets and ran inside as the rain was getting a lot heavier.

Once inside, you stood, just staring at each other for about a second before you attacked his lips, so glad to not be deprived of them any longer.

You pulled him up to his room where you lay on his bed for the rest of the evening, cuddling and kissing, so glad to finally have your Luke back, even if it was only for a few days.

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