No.86- Calum

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For Megan

"You're really good with kids babe!" Your fiancé Calum commented as you held your four month old baby nephew who you were babysitting. "He just loves you!"

"I love looking after him so much. To be honest it's one of my favourite things. He's so precious." You mumbled, stroking his hair gently.

You could feel Calum's eyes looking at you lovingly and adoringly as you gently rocked the young baby in your arms.

"Can I, can I hold him?" Calum asked.

"Sure!" you replied. "But he's tired, so be careful. Oh, and i'm going to bed since you've got him. My sister will be home soon."

Gently, you handed over the child to Calum. Disturbed by the movement, it burst into tears and Calum looked at you pleadingly.

"What do I do?" He hissed, holding the baby out in front of him as if it was a piece of food found on the floor that expired two years previously.

"I don't know!" you replied. "Be nice to it and try to make it go to sleep or something! But I'm about to drop dead on the floor because I'm so tired. Goodnight babe."

"Night sweetie. I love you." He replied, moving the still crying baby so it lay in a comfortable position before giving you a goodnight kiss.

You walked up the stairs and started to get undressed. From downstairs, you could hear Calum walking around, singing to the baby and whispering to it as if it was able to comprehend what he was saying.

You got into bed and waited in the dark until your sister and her husband came to pick her child up. You heard Calum yawn loudly as he traipsed up the stairs.

As Calum crawled into bed next to you, you turned to face him.

"Cal?" you asked.

"Yes baby?" he replied.

"I've been thinking. And tonight it really clicked in my mind. You know I love you, and you know we're engaged?"

"Of course!" he replied again, taking your hand in his.

"I want a baby Calum. I want to start a family with you."

He looked at you with a shocked expression on his face, that soon fell into a smile.

"Well that's good." He grinned, rolling you over so you were now straddling his waist. "Because I want nothing more than to start a family with you."

Your face lit up and you bent down to kiss him. He deepened the kiss and pulled you into him.

Who knew what this could be the start of?

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