No.46- Luke

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for oliviark1 :)

"I've found someone else. I found her, I found her six months ago actually. And she makes me really, really happy. I don't know what to do."

Your boyfriend told you as you stood in his kitchen at 1am with hot, angry tears streaming down your face. No noise could come out your mouth, you were simply in shock.

"Six months?!" You finally stammered.

"Yup." He replied, putting his head in his hands.

"Whatever." You scoffed. "Just, get out my way. I never want to see you again!"

You stormed straight out of his house and into your car without looking back. You started the ignition as you slammed your beanie down firmly over your hair and drove back home, tears still filling your eyes and pouring freely down your face.

As soon as you arrived home you, you flung open the door to find your best friend and house mate Luke lying on the couch with a beer, watching the football.

"Olivia!" He exclaimed as he saw your tear stained face and devastated expression.

You broke down into another fit of desperate sobs and ran to give him a hug. You buried your face in his chest and he comforted you until you'd stopped crying.

"Now what happened?" He asked, sitting you down.

"Six fucking months." You grunted through gritted teeth. "DICK!!"

This brought you into another fresh crying episode and he kept you close until your eyes were vaguely dry again, whispering to you.

When you were no longer crying, he jumped off the sofa, returning a fewer minutes later with three tubs of ice cream. He handed you two and kept one for himself.

"We're best friends." He stated. "I want you to eat your feelings and tell me from start to finish what happened so I can punch him next time I see him. No one hurts my beautiful friend and gets away with it."

You smiled and pulled Luke into a close hug and giggled softly. He was the cutest thing ever and you were so grateful for him.


This wasn't as good as I'd hoped, sorry
-editing later-

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