No.71- Luke

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For Cella 🍕

"I miss you so much right now." You said to your best friend Luke on Skype. He was on holiday around America with his family, leaving you and your other friend alone basically all summer. She was due round in 5 minutes, so you were cramming in your daily skype call with Luke now.

Truth be told, you liked Luke a lot. You'd known him most of your life and your best friend was the only one who knew. She was pushing you into telling him, and you said you'd do it today. However, every time you wanted to, the words just couldn't form! you were terrified.

"So, how's America?" you asked, wanting to hear him talk some more

"It's good." He smiled. "We saw the Hollywood sign yesterday, did a tour of famous people's houses. The usual."

"You could have taken me with you." You joked, pouting.

"Aw, I wish. One day I'll take you and (Y.B.F.N) and we can have a holiday together. How cool would that be!?"

"Incredible..." you sighed. "Speaking of (Y.N.F.N), she should be here soon so you can say hey to her too!!"

"Great!" Luke laughed. "I'm so homesick, I've been away for like a month already..."

"I promise I miss you more." You sighed, meaning every word. "But tell me more abou-" you were cut off by a voice and the sound of footsteps pounding up the stairs.

"CELLA WE ARE TELLING LUKE YOU LIKE HIM TODAY. GET SKYPE OPEN AND oh. crap." Your best friend stopped dead in her tracks in your doorway as she saw you sitting in your room with your laptop and realised exactly what you were doing.

Your eyes widened in shock and so did Luke's. You hoped he hadn't heard, but by the smirk on his face, you knew he had.

"Cel?" He asked, grinning.

"Oh god..." You muttered under your breath, scratching the back of your neck.
"Surprise!?" you tried, bursting into a fit of giggles.

"So you like me?" Luke asked, still smirking as he knew you were embarrassed. "And how long has this been for?"

"Um, three years?" you squeaked, giggling again.

Luke's expression was shocked but he threw his head back and laughed.

"In that case. Miss Cella, will you do me the honour of going on a date with me when I return home?" Luke asked in his poshest voice.

"Of course, Sir Lucas." you replied in an equally posh tone.

"Now you go and have fun with (Y.B.F.N)." Luke smiled. "See you soon, lover." He said in a jokily seductive voice that was actually incredibly sexy.

"See you soon, dickhead." You laughed, shutting your laptop before turning to your best friend, who was still standing in your doorway and running up to hug her, screaming slightly. You couldn't have asked for a better time for her to arrive!

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