No.94- Ashton

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For Keisha


"Happy birthday to me..." you thought gloomily as you watched the clock on your laptop turn to 00.00.

How you wished you could share your birthday with someone instead of spend in it alone. It was so lonely now you were at college and your boyfriend Ashton was on tour with his band.

You scrolled through your Twitter and Tumblr for a bit longer until you fell asleep on the couch with your laptop on your stomach.

*9AM - the next day*

You woke up on the sofa with a really stiff neck and a backache from sleeping curled on a chair all night.

Not being a morning person, you didn't really pay much attention to the fact that someone was in your apartment, pulling open the curtains and bringing things into the room.

Suddenly, as you lay half asleep on the couch, it occurred to you that you locked up last night and you were sure of it. Someone must have broken in!!

You sat up bolt upright to look for the intruder.

"Hello?" you called, your voice still full of sleep. "Who's there? hello!?" the panic started to rise in your voice as you stood up warily and grabbed the nearest thing closest to you to use as a weapon. It turned out to be an ice cream scoop you left lying on the floor last night. It would do for now.

You tiptoed from your living room to the front door which was standing open and you could hear voices down the apartment building's stairs, but you couldn't distinguish who's they were. By this point you were thoroughly annoyed and the person who disturbed your sleep, but also downright terrified.

You decided on your plan of action. You would wait behind the front door for the intruder then pounce on them and call 999 when they came back in.

It was a heart stopping two minutes, standing behind your door, but finally the figure came back in, carrying a few boxes.

You shut your eyes and counted to three before pouncing on the mystery stranger and rugby tackling them to the floor, making strange battle noises as you did so.

"Who the fuck are you!?" You demanded standing up to survey your victim. He started to speak and your heart almost stopped.

"Your boyfriend you idiot!!" you heard Ashton say from the floor. He was laughing, so you presumed he was okay. "We managed to get time off from tour this week so we decided to come and bring you your presents by hand. I didn't expect to get attacked by a crazy woman with an... ice cream scoop!"

Ashton surveyed the metal utensil now hanging off his ear as he stood up.

"Oh my god babe!" you burst out laughing. "I forgot you still had the spare key. You terrified me!! hey, come and hug me. I've missed you."

You pulled Ashton into a long and warm hug, with a few kisses sneaked in as well. It made you realise just how much you'd missed his touch.

He pulled away as the other boys walked into the room with a few more boxes, wrapped in wrapping paper.

"Luke! Calum! Mikey!" you exclaimed running to hug them all.

"Happy birthday Keisha!" they chanted in unison, handing you the boxes they were carrying. There was a lot of presents!

You thanked them all and spent the next hour chatting and opening presents with your favourite guys in the world, not to mention constantly apologising to your perfect boyfriend who you so wrongly assaulted.

After the morning had passed, you got ready for a night out with the boys. You felt truly blessed and you couldn't ask for better people to surround you. Perhaps this was the best birthday yet.

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