No. 18- Luke

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For my boo @lucyclive

"LUKE! Which heels? Red or white?" You asked your boyfriend who was currently dashing round his house that you were in in a frantic attempt to clean up.

Luke had been given a three day break from tour and since you were on tour with him you decided to stop and stay at his parents house over the weekend. Your parents were coming over for lunch and Luke, who was still scared of them, was trying to make a good impression of his house.

"Uuh, red!" He replied, without even looking.

"Luke look! Which ones go better with these leggings?"

Luke wasn't even looking as he dashed off to go and find the vacuum cleaner.

You sighed and went to go and get dressed and do you hair and makeup.

You wore your red tartan shirt and your plain black sweater along with your plain black leggings and red heels. Just as you were about to put on your makeup you noticed a bright purple and clearly visible hickey, slap bang in the middle of your neck on your right side.

"LUCAS!!" You screamed for what seemed like the thousandth time that morning.

He came running to his childhood bedroom that you were sharing and poked his head round the door of your ensuite.

"What babe?" He asked innocently.

You pointed, glaring, to the massive mark and he smirked.

"Wow." He commented, "purples really your colour." He grinned massively and walked to wrap his arms found your waist, but you pushed him off.


He shrugged and took a few steps back, knowing you were annoyed. You were both really stressed because you were desperate for today to go properly. You stuck your bottom lip out, almost teary. All you wanted was to look good!

Luke saw your sad expression and immediately felt awful.

"Babe I'm so so sorry! Look let me use some of that stuff to cover it up for you. But surely, you wouldn't trade last night for that? but I'm so so sorry babe you still look beautiful."

He then walked up to your makeup box and got out some Clinique concealer, looking at it as if it was some mythical creature.

"Careful." You warned. "That cost me ten quid for that tiny bottle."

He squirted a massive amount onto his fingers and rubbed your neck gently. As Annoyed as you were, Luke was right, you certainly wouldn't have exchanged last night for anything.

After a few minutes, Luke stepped back to admire his work. He'd actually done an ok job at hiding it!

"Thank you baby." You smiled, kissing him quickly on the lips. "Now go clean up, your parents are doing enough work by cooking."

Luke beamed, happy you'd forgiven him an walked off, leaving you to apply the rest of your makeup.

*one hour later*

You, your parents and your two brother were sitting at a meal with Luke, Luke's parents and his brothers. The whole meal was going really well and everyone was getting on great. Luke had his hand on your thigh the whole time and Luke's oldest brother got on really well with your younger brother because they had a lot in common.

Somehow, the conversation turned onto your and Luke's relationship. You started to blush and flipped your dirty blonde hair over your shoulder, to make sure no one could see any of your mini disaster.

"So, Lucy." Your dad asked. "We haven't seen you in a few months, I'm guessing you and Luke are still happy together.

Liz smiled. "From what I could hear from my room last night, I don't think you have to worry at all about Lucy and Luke being unhappy."

She looked suspiciously at Luke and your mouth dropped open. Liz's room was on the other side of the house! Were you really that loud!?"

Before you even had the chance to say anything, you had blushed scarlet and all eyes were turned in your and Luke's direction. A small silence fell across the room before Luke's older brother started whooping at Luke and clapped him on the back and you buried your face in his neck, more embarrassed than you could ever imagine.

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