No.35- Luke

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for r_larson13 😋

"Mummy look!" Your son shouted as he took his first few pedals on his new bike.

He was only 5, and it still had stabilisers but your husband Luke was determined to teach him how to ride without.

You sat on the patio in your garden as you watched Luke puzzle over the stabilisers as he tried to take them off. Even from where you were you could see exactly what he had to do and it amused you how he was completely missing the point.

You walked up to him and your son, smiling.

"Luke, babe." You sighed. "Unscrew that and pull that there and they'll come off. It's not rocket science."

Luke simply looked at you, before looking back at the bike and laughing.

"Oh god, Becky. I'm thick." He grinned, pecking you lightly on the lips.

After the bike was ready to use, you stood and watched as luke held the handlebars whilst your son clambered on.
Again, he took a few pedals with Luke holding on, and despite Luke's strong arms, he was still wobbling uncontrollably.

However, you didn't want to dampen his spirits so you smiled widely and cheered him on. This lifted him a lot and he demanded Luke let go of him.

Grinning proudly, Luke let go for a second, grabbing on again as your son nearly hit the ground from falling off.

"You did great!" Luke announced. "Just a bit more practice and you'll be away!"

Your son giggled as he was picked up and thrown onto Luke's shoulder.

"Careful!" You squealed, laughing. Luke loved to play fight with your son but it terrified the life out of you. However, it was unbelievably cute and undeniably, Luke was a fantastic dad.

"Daddy??" Your son asked, looking straight at Luke. "Because I was so good on my bike, do I get ice cream?"

Luke looked at you and pulled a fake-shocked face and looked at your son again. He continued to giggle.

"Do you, get ice cream !?!" Luke asked again in a over dramatic shocked voice, which made your son laugh harder.

"YES!!" He eventually shouted, causing your son to burst out into a complete laughing fit. The sight was absolutely adorable. Luke put your son down and he ran off as he walked up to you and snaked his arms round your shoulders.

"You're a great dad luke." You said, looking up to meet Luke's eyes. "I love you."

Luke looked down at you, still smiling. "I love you too Becky. Our son is lucky to have you as a mum." He then kissed you passionately and you fell a little more in love, if that was even possible.

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