No.72- Luke

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For Erin 🐼

"Erin. Put some clothes on for God's sake. It's 3pm and the new neighbours have just settled in next door. They're from Sydney! It's our duty to go and say hi." Your mum barked at you as you sat in the darkened living room in your pyjamas on a Saturday afternoon

You rolled your eyes and sighed. "Seriously mum? But why? Like they're probably really old and grey and ugh. Can I just come another day?"

"No." She persisted, ripping open the curtains, making you wince. "I've spoken to the mother, she's lovely. She also has a 17 year old son, a musician she says. Your brothers become friendly with him at school this past week"

Your ears pricked up at the sound of your mums words. 17? a musician!?

Not wanting to seem too enthusiastic, you dragged yourself up from the sofa.

"I'll be ready in five minutes."

You sprinted upstairs and had the fastest shower of your life. You slipped on a random band shirt, denim shorts and converse, before brushing out your hair and slapping on some makeup.

After nearly falling down the stairs, you and your mum made your way over to the next house, a bottle of wine in your hand.

You knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds until a woman opened it, smiling. She had a kind face, blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hello!" Your mum began. "I'm (Y.M.N) and this is my daughter Erin. We live next door. It's a pleasure to meet you, and if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

You awkwardly shuffled forward and handed over the wine.

"Thank you!" The woman beamed. "I'm Liz. It's a pleasure to meet you too. My son should be around somewhere, he's still getting used to the slightly different weather this side of Australia! It's always strange for teenagers to come into contact with the sun nowadays!"

Your mum laughed as your heart fluttered at the mention of her son. Your boy next door.
"Shut up." You cursed yourself mentally. "He's either going to be gross or taken. Face it."

"Luke!?" Liz called over her shoulder.

A boy, wearing nothing but some Hollister sweatpants turned up behind her. He had startling blue eyes and blonde hair styled perfectly into a quiff. You couldn't even help but stare at his chest, but you snapped our eyes away before he noticed.

"Luke, go and put a shirt on!" Liz scalded him.

"Oh, no it's okay." you laughed nervously.

"Right. Well in that's case, why don't you go and get to know Erin, Luke? I have some things to discuss with (Y.M.N)"

Luke shrugged and made a gesture to invite you into the house. You stepped in tentatively, still stunned by how attractive he was.

"It's not much right now.." Luke mumbled in a thick accent as the two of you walks through the hallway full of boxes.

You nodded. You just had no idea what to say!

"I guess you've met my brother then, judging by the fact he's in your year at school..."

"(Y.B.N)?" Luke asked, actually looking at you for the first time instead of the floor.

"Yeah." You replied. "Is he ok?"

"He's great," Luke smiled, suddenly becoming more animated. "And what we he think about my asking his sister for her number?"

"He, uh, he has no reason to object!" You laughed, handing over your phone for Luke to put his number in, blushing furiously.

This was the start of a great friendship. And who knew, maybe even more?

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