Ashton - part 2

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A/N - so this is a part two of Ashton's story of my chapter called "Preference No.5" so if you haven't read that I'd read that now :)


You stormed out the flat, tears falling down your face. It dawned on you that you were temporarily homeless, seeing as you no longer wanted anything to do with your only friend either. You knew you had nowhere to go so you decided to get a drink from the closest corner shop and try and fall asleep somewhere fairly warm.

Tears still clouding your vision, you pushed through the doors of the crappy corner shop and grabbed some random bottles off the shelf. You had no idea what they were or what they had in them but you couldn't care less.

You shoved the bottles on the counter and fumbled around in your purse for a £10 that you slapped into the cashiers hand and, without even waiting for change, you ran out, bottles clinking in your hand.

As you sat on a park bench, freezing cold, sobbing and drunk off the Monster, Red Bull and cheap red wine you had grabbed, you started to feel faint.

You time-checked on your phone. 4.25am. You'd been out here since 2 and you'd lost sensation in your fingers and feet. You knew that you were only going to get worse if you didn't get help, but you had no one to help you! You were the definition of alone.

The last thing you remember was curling up on the bench with a desperate sob and falling into a deep state of unconsciousness.

-the same morning. Five hours later-

You woke up and suddenly became aware of about five faces watching you intently.

"She's awake!" Someone yelled. You opened your eyes a little further and realised you were in hospital.

A nurse ordered everyone out the room and came and sat by your side.

"Y/N?" She asked, her voice echoing inside your pounding head.

"I... I guess so..." You replied shakily.

" you're in hospital. A man walking his dog found you about two hours ago. You shouldn't be out alone at night in the British winter! If he hadn't found you, your fate could have been a lot worse..."

"I, where's, I need..." You started

"What do you need love?" The kind nurse asked.

"Ashton..." You replied, bursting into tears.

"Aah, your boyfriend?"

"Ex. As of yesterday..." you sobbed.

"Ok. Well he seems pretty torn up about you, but he's fine."

"H-how do you know? We, we broke up?!" You carried on bawling.

"He was the only number saved into your phone. We try and call the closest person to you, so we guessed it must have been him. He's been here since you were found, which, like I said, was about two hours ago. Dashed here as soon as he heard, been sitting by your bed. Said he needed to explain something. Would you like to see him?"

"I hate him! I hate him I hate him I hate him!" You screamed, punching the bed and sitting up, but the nurse pushed you back down.

"He seems urgent to see you Y/N. we'll be here on standby. If you feel weak just press your red buzzer here."

She then walked out briskly, her kitten heels clicking on the cold linoleum floor.

One minute later, Ashton dashed in. He was wearing his jeans from yesterday and his pyjama hoodie that he used to lend to you.

He almost broke into tears when he saw you lying, pale faced and drowsy in a hospital bed.

"Y/N. I can explain." He started, his voice breaking.

"There's nothing to explain. Go away."

"We're friends, y/n. friends!! I thought you'd understand."

"What about those gross, sexy texts about you fucking her or whatever. How would you like to explain that!?" You screamed, sitting up even though it hurt your aching muscles.

"Calum sent those! He has a huge crush on her, and you know that!! He stole my phone and sent them, to see her reaction. He was such a dick, and that was three months ago too!! You have to forgive me y/n, you're the only love I have."

You started to dry your tears.

"But, but the sleep talking..."

Ashton looked at you, a smirk of disbelief playing across his mouth.

"The sleep talking. Along with me yelling my abilities to fly and talk to animals. Y/N, my dreams are fucked up, and you've been there to hear most of them!"

You let out a small giggle. "Remember the time when you talked about me and woke up with..."

Ashton blushed bright red and interrupted you. "Yes. Yes I remember that. So you see what I mean!! I can promise to you on my life that there is nothing at all between me and y/b/f/n apart from friendship. You are the only girl who has my heart. I love you y/n."

Your tears were almost completely dry and you whispered, "I love you too."

He stood up and hugged you close, trying not to hurt you in your frail state.

A few hours later, you were discharged and Ashton took you back to his flat.

After a few weeks, it was as if nothing had ever happened and Ashton did a perfect job of showing you just how much you meant to him...


but yeah, sorry if you were looking for a sad ending. I hate sad endings bc they stay with me for the rest of the day so I made this one happy :)

Thank you for requesting, ily all xx

Also I've posted a lot because I've just broke up for Christmas holidays and don't have anything to do because my social life is as big as 5SOS's flaws. INVISIBLE.

if you want me to stop posting so much then comment and i will :) xx

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