Preference No.14

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Mornings at home with Calum would be cute. He'd wake up first and lie next to you until you woke up too, watching the steady rise and fall of your chest as you slept through the morning. Once you were both awake, you'd make breakfast together and plan out a day together before he went away again.


Mornings on the tour bus with Ashton would be pretty similar. He was more of a morning person than any of the other boys so he'd be the one to go for a run or to the gym whilst everyone else slept soundly in their bunks. As he came back in, energised and full of adrenaline, you'd sleepily greet him in nothing but one of his old shirts. This is when he loved you the most, and he'd make sure you knew it.


Mornings at home with Luke would be exhausting. You were a competitive and mischievous couple, so whoever woke up first got the upper hand on the start to the day of pranking. You'd manage to lose several hours if sleep if it meant you could finally pay Luke back for all the tricks he'd play on you.


Mornings with Michael would only ever go as expected. No matter what he had to do, he'd make time for you in that he'd make himself late for an important meeting or studio recording if it meant he could see the girl of his dreams open her eyes every morning and tell you he loved you. You'd proceed to cuddle most of the morning away and not have a regret in the world. That was until Michael got angry phone calls from his manager and had to run out the door, still in pyjamas.



requests are closed.

those people who have requested, yes all have been accepted and i'll be doing those soon, however i am not taking any more requests until future notice.

also, the amount of reads on this is surreal. I can't even imagine 220k as a number, yet people have read that and I just - wow.

Thank you so much!! I love you x

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