No.49- Ashton

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For r_larson13

you pulled up your car outside Ashton's new house and got out of the car, unlocking the boot as you did so.

You grabbed your first load of boxes and staggered towards the front door, nearly dropping the boxes due to their sheer weight. Unfortunately there was still all your belongings to bring in and you certainly didn't travel light.

As you reached the front door, it flung open to reveal your boyfriend of two years, Ashton, standing at the door and beaming at you.

"BECKY!" He yelled excitingly, taking the boxes off you and placing them on the ground in order to give you a massive hug.

"Hey Ashton" you murmured into his chest, seem as you weren't quite tall enough to rest your head on his broad shoulders.

"I'm so excited about this. You're actually going to live with me!!" Ashton picked you up and spun you round, causing you to laugh like an idiot. "Now let me help you with those boxes."

After a fair amount of struggling, dropping boxes and swearing, the pair of you managed to haul everything you owned inside Ashton's house.

Ashton stood, proudly surveying the giant heap of cardboard boxes in his hallway.

"So will you help me take these clothes upstairs?" You asked, picking up one of the boxes marked "clothes".

Ashton sighed.

"Really? Can't you just have your clothes down here in the hall?" He started to plead.
"I prefer you without them anyway." He added cheekily as you elbowed him in fake-shock. He was always making jokes like that.

You put down your box and looped your arms round Ashton's neck, batting your long eyelashes at him.

"Please babe?" You asked. "If you love me?"

"Fine." He muttered, "but if I do my back in or fall down the stairs, you're driving me to hospital."

"Deal." You smiled. "Thank you so much."

Ashton simply grunted and you both hauled the boxes up the stairs. All Ashton could do was complain how many clothes you had.

Eventually, everything was in place. By now it was 8 o'clock at night and you were cooking pasta for Ashton and yourself as Ashton watched the football in the next room. He was so helpful today with unpacking and he deserved a rest.

You quietly hummed to yourself as you got out all the ingredients and put them in a pan, wiggling your hips and dancing to the radio that was playing.

Suddenly, you felt two large hands on your waist and you spun round to see Ashton, beaming at you.

"You're a great dancer. You know that Becky?" He giggled, crashing his lips against yours.

This wasn't my best, sorry :(

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